Institutional Goals
WITS is dedicated to providing an academic setting founded on honest inquiry and the pursuit of knowledge within the context of an abiding commitment to Jewish law, practices and tenets in the Orthodox Jewish tradition. The combined comprehensive Judaic and broad-based General Studies programs enable WITS students to acquire knowledge and skills in many areas.
Upon completion of a degree from Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary & College, a graduate will be able to demonstrate achievement of the following goals:
Jewish Values – Exercise Jewish law, tradition, and wisdom in personal and professional decision-making and leadership practices.
Critical and Creative Thinking – Evaluate information based on skills of reasoning, problem solving, and analysis.
Written and Oral Communication – Convey ideas effectively across diverse audiences and settings.
Information and Technology Literacy – Utilize appropriate technology and research skills to locate and critically evaluate information from a variety of sources.
Ethical Behavior – Make informed choices that reflect personal and professional ethics and respect for diverse views.
Professional/General Skills and Knowledge – Apply understanding of the major conceptual, theoretical, and methodological foundations related to general education and the professional field.