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Devora (Milevsky) Stern '05

Case Manager, Ahavas Yisrael

When Devora’s plane touched down at BWI, she embarked on a life-changing journey for which she is still grateful. Once she was over her initial homesickness, it wasn’t long before Devora realized how much she loved WITS/Maalot and the Baltimore community.

Studying at WITS/Maalot gave Devora the opportunity to learn from many of Baltimore’s most honored rabbanim and mechanchos. The highlights of her seminary experience included spending shabbos meals within the community and on Yeshiva Lane. These shabbos meals were memorable experiences that Devora still cherishes.

“The experiences I had at WITS/Maalot, the opportunity to observe the teachers - not just in the classroom, but in their own homes on shabbos, raising their children, interacting with their families, made a huge impact on me and I am incredibly thankful.”

Amazingly, Hashem orchestrated the opportunity for Devora to give back to the community that had given her so much. After completing her bachelor’s degree from WITS/Maalot in 2004, Devora pursued a Master’s in Applied Psychology from the University of Baltimore. Several years later, Devora took a position as a case manager at Ahavas Yisrael, one of the central tzedakah organizations in Baltimore that works tirelessly to provide food, shelter, clothing, and basic living needs for needy families within the Baltimore community. In her position, Devora helps to coordinate services between families and community/government resources, and provides ongoing support to families experiencing difficult financial challenges.

“I know it sounds cliche, but WITS/Maalot literally made me into who I am today. Rebbetzin Rosenbaum guided me through the most formative years of my life. I still have notes from many of the classes that I took, and every so often I go back and review them. I hold tightly to the hashkafos that were instilled in me through my experience at WITS/Maalot and I’m beyond grateful for the secular education that allowed me to have a career doing what I love!”

Devora (Milevsky) Stern '05
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