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Consumer Information /
Student Right to Know

The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 contains numerous federal reporting and disclosure requirements for information from various administrative areas of higher education institutions, including financial aid and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary and College (WITS) emails the FERPA policy to each student. A paper copy is available upon request. To make this information readily available, WITS has created this webpage, which is designed to provide quick access to important data, policies and disclosures. Additional information can be found in the Academic Catalog, Student Handbook and Financial Aid Handbook. For more information, contact the Office of Administrative Affairs or the Office of Financial Aid. Both offices can be reached during normal business hours.

General Institutional Information

​Tuition and Financial Assistance




Health and Safety

WITS is dedicated to keeping our campus as safe as possible. It is with the adherence of the following guidelines that staff, faculty and students will, BE”H, be able to work together to accomplish this goal. WITS continues to monitor COVID-19 statistics and seeks guidance from medical experts to adjust the WITS safety guidelines as necessary.



Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary & College's (WITS) annual Clery Act report can be accessed HERE.
A printed report may also be obtained from the office upon request.


WITS publishes an annual security report as required by the Clery Act. The report contains statistics for the previous three calendar years on specific Clery crimes that were reported to have occurred on campus and on public property within or immediately adjacent to campus. The report also contains information on campus security and safety, including crime prevention, crime reporting policies, drug and alcohol policies, and other topics regarding safety and security on campus.

Academic Regulations ad Policies

Academic Regulations and Policies

Definition of Credit Hour

WITS offers courses over 15-week spring and fall semesters and two overlapping 8-week summer semesters (Summer Session I and Summer Session II). A student who enrolls in a minimum of 12 credits per a fall or spring semester is considered a full-time student. For the summer semester, full-time status is determined by adding the total number of credits taken in Summer Session I and Summer Session II. A student who enrolls in a minimum of 12 credits per summer semester is considered a full-time student.


WITS defines one credit hour as an amount of work that approximates the following:


  1. Not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and two hours of out-of-class student work per week for 15 weeks or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or

  2. At least an equivalent amount of work (as required in paragraph 1) in courses and academic activities where direct instruction is not the primary mode of learning, such as laboratory work, independent study, distance learning, internships, practica, or other academic work leading to the award of credit.

Incomplete Grades

If a student has not completed all required course work but has completed at least 50%, the student may request an incomplete in the course. Granting an incomplete is at the discretion of the faculty member and the Executive Dean/Menaheles (kodesh courses) or the Academic Dean (general studies courses). The course grade is marked as incomplete. A course in which a student receives a grade of incomplete is not included in the GPA as long as the Incomplete remains on the transcript. A course marked incomplete is included in the student’s number of credits attempted but not credits completed.


Changes of grade or adjustments to incomplete grades after the conclusion of the semester for contracted courses are in accordance with the policies of the contracting institution.


If granted an incomplete, a student will have until that semester’s deadline to complete their missing coursework. Beyond that point, a student must petition in writing to the Executive Dean/Menaheles (kodesh courses) or the Academic Dean (general studies courses) for a further extension. Faculty are not authorized to grant individual extensions beyond the deadline. If no written request is submitted by the deadline, a student who has not completed the required coursework will receive a grade of zero for the missing coursework. The deadline for Fall Semester courses is May 15. The deadline for Spring and Summer semester courses is December 1.


Withdrawn Courses

Courses that a student withdraws from before the first drop deadline will not appear on the student’s transcript and will not be included in the number of credits attempted. From that point until the second drop deadline, a student dropping a course will receive a grade of W (Withdrawal) for the course and the credits will be included in the number of credits attempted. After the second drop deadline, the student must complete the course or receive a grade of F (Failure). While a W (Withdrawal) does not factor into the GPA, an F (Failure) does. Dropping a course due to health reasons requires documentation from a medical professional and approval from the Executive Dean/Menaheles (kodesh courses) or the Academic Dean (general studies courses). There are no academic or financial penalties. All drop deadlines are noted on the Academic Calendar.

Transfer Credits

Transfer credits are not included in the calculation of the grade point average. However, the credits accepted are counted toward the number of credits attempted and earned by the student.


Appeals Process and Mitigating Circumstances

A student who wishes to appeal a determination of probationary status, lack of Satisfactory Academic Progress, or similar issues must submit an appeal in writing to the Menaheles. The Menaheles will consider all relevant information, i.e., mitigating circumstances such as illness or death in the immediate family or other unusual situations. The student must also explain how her situation has changed to allow her to make satisfactory academic progress. The Menaheles will consult with faculty members as appropriate. The Menaheles’s decision will be conveyed to the student in writing within ten days of receipt of the student’s written appeal.


Repeating Courses

A student who wishes to raise the grade of a specific course may repeat the same course. Both courses and grades will appear on all official transcripts. However, credit is only earned once. The lower grade will not be calculated as part of the semester grade point average nor the overall grade point average.


All repeated courses are counted in the number of the student’s attempted credits. For determination of a student’s enrollment status, if a student is repeating a course in which she received a passing grade, for the purpose of grade improvement, it is counted towards her enrollment status only the first time the course is retaken. If a student is repeating a course in which she received a failing grade, it is counted towards her enrollment status for as many times as she is repeating that course in an attempt to pass.


A student repeating a course must remain within the time frame required for satisfactory academic progress standards.

Class Performance

Class performance is considered in determining a student’s final grade in a course. Attendance is an integral element of course performance. The instruction and guidance offered in the classroom is the cornerstone of a student’s education. While there is no formal attendance policy at WITS, students are expected to attend all class and laboratory sessions. Faculty factor attendance into the class performance element of the final grade. Classroom participation, another aspect of class performance, is expected and encouraged in order to facilitate the integration of independently prepared assignments with the subject matter covered in the classroom. Specific grading and class performance guidelines are found in the syllabus of each course.

Students are responsible for all material, assignments or exams missed during absences. Students who anticipate prolonged absences should inform their respective faculty member(s) and the Menaheles (Kodesh courses) and/or the Academic Dean (General Studies courses).


Make-Up Exams and Late Work

WITS’ policy on missed exams and late work is designed to promote a consistent and fair procedure for administering exams, quizzes, and related forms of learning assessment.  


  • All students are expected to take exams and submit assignments as scheduled.  


  • A student requiring an extension or accommodation must receive approval from the faculty member prior to the day of the exam or assignment due date. In the case of emergency, a student should contact the faculty member at the earliest possible time. Informing the faculty demonstrates the derech eretz expected of WITS students.  


  • Students with permission to reschedule an exam should complete the Make-Up Exam Scheduling Form - Kodesh Courses or Make-Up Exam Scheduling Form – General Studies Courses. Students will receive confirmation and details via their Populi Activity Feed. All rescheduled exams must be completed in the WITS Testing Center. Faculty do not administer make-up exams and students do not submit late exams directly to faculty. There is a proctor fee of $10 for make-up exams taken within a week of the scheduled time, and $25 for exams taken after one week.   


  • There are special guidelines for final exams. Students who cannot take a final exam as scheduled, must submit a Request to Reschedule a Final Exam Form and provide explanation of extenuating circumstances. Students should not consider their request approved until they receive approval via their Populi Activity Feed. A rescheduled final exam must be taken during the designated make-up exam slot. The proctor fee for final exams is $35. Students applying to graduate school and requiring expedited transcripts must be aware that rescheduling a final exam will delay transcripts.  


  • Faculty have the right to deduct points or otherwise penalize students for missed exams and late assignments, with the exception of true medical emergencies. Any late work will have five points deducted from the grade. After one week past the due date, an additional 5 points will be deducted. For each additional week past the due date, another five points will be deducted. Faculty may have additional policies regarding late work which will appear in the course syllabus.


  • If a student arrives late to any exam without a valid excuse, the exam must be completed in the remainder of the allotted time.  


  • Students may not negotiate with faculty for a different way to make-up a missed exam, e.g. substitute a paper. 


Final Exams

Final exams are scheduled Sunday through Friday and must be taken as scheduled. Work schedules or other commitments must be adjusted to conform to the final exam schedule. Any student who fails to take a final exam as scheduled will receive a grade of zero for the exam. There are special guidelines for final exams. Students who cannot take a final exam as scheduled, must submit a Request to Reschedule a Final Exam Form and provide explanation of extenuating circumstances. Students should not consider their request approved until they receive approval via their Populi Activity Feed. A rescheduled final exam must be taken during the designated make-up exam slot. The proctor fee for final exams is $35. Students applying to graduate school and requiring expedited transcripts must be aware that rescheduling a final exam may delay transcripts.  

Student Records

The official academic records of all students, past and present, are maintained in the Office of the Registrar. The official transcript contains identifying information, a complete record of all coursework, transfer credits, academic status and any degrees or certificates granted. The transcript is retained as a permanent record of WITS.


Students are encouraged to periodically review their transcripts. Students have one semester after the completion of courses to inform WITS of any error on their transcripts.


Students may request an official WITS transcript to be sent to a designated recipient. This request must be submitted online with the required transcript fee. The link to request a transcript is available on the institutional website. Students should allow two weeks from the date of submission of the transcript request for processing. Telephone requests cannot be honored. Students may receive unofficial copies of their transcript at no charge. 


Admisson Requirements

Admission Requirements and Procedures

WITS is an academically challenging institution that seeks applicants interested in pursuing a liberal arts education with an Orthodox Jewish foundation. The educational experience at WITS focuses on the development of Jewish educators, Jewish communal leaders, and professionally accomplished Jewish women who are committed to the perpetuation of Jewish ideals and mesorah (Jewish tradition). The overarching academic Torah-based framework and extracurricular programs are designed to cultivate social awareness, build professional knowledge and career skills, and enhance spiritual growth and development.



General Admission Requirements


Acceptance to WITS demonstrates the institution’s confidence in an applicant’s readiness to maximize her personal and academic growth. Applications are accepted throughout the year and evaluated on a rolling basis. The application form is available on the institutional website.


Requirements for admission are as follows:

  • An applicant must demonstrate commitment to Orthodox Jewish lifestyle and practices.

  • An applicant must be a high school graduate and provide evidence of high school graduation or equivalent. Recognized equivalents of high school graduation are as follows:

    • Successful completion General Educational Development (GED); or

    • Successful completion of an associate degree; or

    • Successful completion of at least 60 semester or trimester credits or 72 quarter credits that does not result in the awarding of an associate degree, but that is acceptable for full credit toward a baccalaureate degree at any institution; or

    • Enrollment in a baccalaureate degree program where at least 60 semester or trimester credits or 72 quarter credits have been successfully completed, including credits transferred into a baccalaureate degree program; or

    • Completion of a homeschooling program as per the requirements of the state of residence.

  • An applicant must have extensive knowledge of the Hebrew language.

  • An applicant must demonstrate the potential for academic success in college-level coursework in Jewish studies and general studies.

  • An applicant may be required to schedule a personal interview with the Executive Dean/Menaheles.

Verification of High School Graduation Documentation

Completion of a legitimate high school program is a pre-requisite for admission as a regular student to WITS and for eligibility for federal financial aid.

To comply with these requirements Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary and College staff review the students’ high school documentation on file (generally a transcript or diploma) to determine its legitimacy.


The review checks if the information is complete and clearly documents high school graduation from a legitimate high school. Specific focus is placed on the name and address of the high school to ensure that the entity issuing the documentation is not a bogus institution or an entity that charges a fee for the issuance of the diploma while requiring the student to perform little or no work.


Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary and College utilizes the following procedure to verify the high school information:


  1. Is the high school well known to Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary and College staff as a legitimate institution? (Faculty and staff are familiar with the majority of high schools that students who apply to Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary and College have attended). If yes, high school is verified and so documented on a student checklist.

  2. If the high school is unfamiliar, the name of the high school is checked against established and reliable national high school directories to see if school is listed. If yes, high school is verified and so documented on a student checklist.

  3. If the high school does not appear in any established national directories, the high school is contacted directly and information about the school‘s high school curriculum, programs, faculty, officials and graduation requirements is gathered. A professional and informed determination is then made as to whether the high school information received appears legitimate and consistent with generally acceptable high school standards. If yes, the school is verified and so documented on a student checklist.

  4. If the high school cannot meet any of the criteria listed above, the high school is not verified and cannot be used to satisfy the requirement of successful high school completion.

Application procedures and other requirements are dependent upon the selected enrollment status according to the following:

Degree-Seeking Students


Degree-seeking students may apply for admission as follows:


  • Submit an online application, which includes the following:

    • $150 non-refundable application fee

    • Recent photograph

    • Personal statement

  • Submit two letters of reference

  • Provide official high school transcript (with degree date) or equivalent

  • Provide official transcripts from seminary and study abroad programs, if applicable

  • Provide official transcripts from all previously attended colleges/universities, if applicable

  • Provide official SAT Score Report (Code 5491) and/or ACT Score Report (Code 7796) or request a waiver


High school graduates attending a college-level seminary program during their freshman year may earn up to 30 credits as part of the Israel Study Abroad Program (ISAP).


Requirements for participation in ISAP are as follows:

  • Acceptance as a WITS student; and

  • Acceptance to a WITS-approved seminary program; and

  • Commitment to attend WITS following completion of the first year of the WITS-approved seminary program



Certificate-Seeking Students


Certificate-seeking students may apply for admission as follows:


  • Submit an online application, which includes the following:

    • Recent photograph

    • Personal statement

  • Submit two letters of reference

  • Provide official transcript documenting highest degree earned (high school or college)



Non-Degree Seeking Students (Non-Matriculating Student)


Applicants seeking to enroll in coursework without earning a degree may apply for admission as follows:

  • Submit an online application, which includes the following:

    • Recent photograph

    • Submit names of two references



International Applicants


WITS welcomes international applicants. International applicants should begin the admission process at least six months in advance of the intended semester of enrollment. In addition to the general admissions requirements for all students, international students requiring I-20 or IAP-66 forms for student visas must also submit the following:

  • Proof of English proficiency; and

  • Written documentation showing sufficient financial support and resources to cover educational, living, and miscellaneous expenses.


Student Health Insurance


WITS does not provide health insurance or medical care. Costs of health insurance and medical expenses are the sole responsibility of each student. Upon acceptance, all students must provide proof of health insurance.


Availability of GED Program

Students who wish to be admitted to WITS, but do not possess a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent may access GED Program information through


CARES Act and HEERF Grant Reporting

Contitution Day

September 17

In commemoration of the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787, and in fulfillment of federal requirements to have an educational program on Constitution Day our institution presents the following information to students for their awareness and discussion:



The U.S. Constitution contains the fundamental principles of the U.S. Government. It was written by a convention of delegates from various states and was based upon numerous debates and discussions between them. The delegates met in Independence Hall in Philadelphia between May 1787 and September 1787. The original intention of the convention of delegates was to revise the existing principles of government known as the “Articles of Confederation”. However, after much discussion it was decided to write a new set of principles of government.



The Constitution sets out the democratic form of government that we have today. It invests the Congress of the United States, which is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives with legislative power such as the power to make laws, collect taxes, declare war, establish a system of currency etc. It states that each state, regardless of size, will have two members in the Senate, but in the House of Representatives, the number of representatives from each state will be based upon the population of each state. It also sets forth qualifications for members of the Senate and the House of Representatives i.e. to be a senator a person must be at least 30 years old and must have been a citizen of the United States for at least 9 years and must reside in that state.

The Constitution invests the President of the United States with executive power such as the power to nominate and appoint (with the advice and consent of the Senate) Judges of the Supreme Court, Ambassadors, Consuls and Officers, to grant pardons, to ensure that laws are executed faithfully etc. It states that the president shall be the Commander in Chief of the United States Army and Navy. The Constitution discusses how the president is elected and sets forth necessary qualifications for presidency i.e. to be elected as President a person must be at least thirty- five years old.


The Constitution invests the Supreme Court and other courts that congress establishes with judicial power. It states that trial of all crimes shall be by jury and shall be held in the state where the crime was committed.


These principles of government form the three branches of our government. They are: the Legislative Branch, the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch.



The Constitution has an important provision for addition to or change of its sections. Additions or changes are known as amendments. The Constitution states that an amendment may be proposed to the Constitution when at least two thirds of each part of Congress (the Senate and the House of Representatives) votes to propose the amendment. A proposed amendment can only be ratified (approved) when at least three quarters of each part of Congress approves.




The first ten amendments to the Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights. In 1789 these amendments were proposed in order to safeguard the rights of the citizens of the United States.


The First Amendment protects freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, and the right of the people to assemble peacefully and petition the government. This amendment is particularly relevant to us, as Jews. This amendment guarantees that we will always be able to practice our religion freely.


The Second Amendment protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms.


The Third Amendment states that no soldier shall be in quartered in any house without consent of the owner.


The Fourth Amendment protects the people from unreasonable searches and seizures and states that search warrants can only be issued when there is probable cause.


The Fifth Amendment states that no person can be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. It also states that no person shall be forced to be a witness against himself in any criminal case nor shall any person be held to answer for a capital or infamous crime without indictment of a grand jury. This amendment protects the right of a person to remain silent.


The Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Amendments grant people rights pertaining to court trials i.e. the right to a speedy trial by an impartial jury, the right to have a lawyer, a guarantee that excessive bail will not be charged and that cruel and unusual punishments will not be inflicted.


The Ninth Amendment states that the rights of the people are not limited to the rights listed in the Constitution.


The Tenth Amendment states that powers not delegated to the United States government will be retained by the states or by the people.


Additional Resources:


Copyright Infringement Policy

Copyright infringement is defined as the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17of the United States Code). Examples of copyright infringement include, but are not limited to, the following:


A. Downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement; and/or

B. Scanning or copying pages of text without permission of the copyright owner.


Disciplinary sanctions and the full Academic Honesty Policy are detailed in the Academic Catalog and the Student Handbook.

Student Achievement

Evaluations and Grade Values



The grade point average (GPA) is calculated by (1) multiplying the credits by the grade value which determines quality points, (2) adding the total number of quality points; (3) adding the total number of credits; (4) dividing the quality points by the quality hours.

All courses given at WITS require a grade of D to earn credit.

Although no credit is given for failing grades, all grades, except for pass (P), withdraw (W), and incomplete (I) are recorded and calculated as part of the GPA. Transfer courses are not calculated in the GPA.



Academic Honors​

Full-time students earning a grade point average of A 3.5 and higher are included on the Dean’s List for that semester. This designation is noted on the transcript for each semester earned.


Upon degree conferral, the following Latin designations will be noted on the final transcript and on the diploma:


Cum Laude (With Honor) – Cumulative GPA 3.5 –3.69

Magna Cum Laude (With High Honor) – Cumulative GPA 3.7 –3.89

Summa Cum Laude (With Highest Honor) – Cumulative GPA 3.9 and higher


Student Achievement

Graduation and retention as of Nov 2023-1.png
Strategic Goals

Strategic Goals

To continue institutional success, WITS recognizes the need to articulate long-term strategic goals to guide the institution into the future. The strategic goals 2020-2025 are as follows:


  • Academic Excellence and Student Success - WITS will sustain an academically-rigorous and student-centered learning environment that advances knowledge of Orthodox Jewish culture and which is informed by reliable assessment of effectiveness.


  • Fiscal Sustainability and Resources - WITS will build a financial foundation that strengthens and sustains institutional vitality through diverse sources of revenue.


  • Reputation and Influence - WITS will grow in awareness and reputation as a respected provider of quality undergraduate education for Orthodox Jewish women.                  


  • Collaboration and Relationships - WITS will strengthen the sense of community through improved connections with stakeholders.


Student Counseling

Students who desire personal or mental health counseling should contact the Menaheles for referrals to licensed counselors or email confidential referrals. A local rabbinic authority, Rabbi Heber, Rav, Khal Ahavas Yisroel Tzemach Tzedek and WITS faculty member, is also available to meet with students by appointment to answer halachic questions and offer personal guidance. To schedule an appointment, students should contact Rabbi Heber by phone (443-610-7535) or email (


Faculty members are also available to provide guidance in personal growth areas. Discussions between faculty members and students are confidential.

Verification of HS

Verification of High School Documentation

Completion of a legitimate high school program is a prerequisite for admission as a regular student to WITS and for eligibility for federal financial aid.


To comply with these requirements WITS staff review the students’ high school documentation on file (generally a transcript or diploma) to determine its legitimacy. Students who were homeschooled must provide documentation of completion of a homeschooling program as per the requirements of the state in which they reside.


The reviewer checks if the information is complete and clearly documents high school graduation from a legitimate high school. Specific focus is placed on the name and address of the high school to ensure that the entity issuing the documentation is not a bogus institution or an entity that charges a fee for the issuance of the diploma while requiring the student to perform little or no work.

WITS utilizes the following procedure to verify the high school information:


  • Is the high school well known to WITS staff as a legitimate institution? (Faculty and staff are familiar with the majority of high schools that students who apply to WITS have attended). If yes, high school is verified and so documented on a student checklist.

  • If the high school is unfamiliar, the name of the high school is checked against established and reliable national high school directories to see if school is listed. If it is, the high school is verified and so documented on a student checklist.

  • If the high school does not appear in any established national directories, the high school is contacted directly and information about the school‘s high school curriculum, programs, faculty, officials and graduation requirements is gathered. A professional and informed determination is then made as to whether the high school information received appears legitimate and consistent with generally acceptable high school standards. If it is, the high school is verified and so documented on a student checklist.

  • If the high school does not meet any of the criteria listed above, the high school is not verified and cannot be used to satisfy the requirement of successful high school completion.


Recognized equivalents of high school graduation include the following: 


  • GED

  • Successful completion of an associate’s degree program

  • Successful completion of at least 60 semester or trimester credit hours or 72 quarter credit hours that does not result in the awarding of an associate’s degree, but that is acceptable for full credit toward a bachelor’s degree at any institution

  • Enrollment in a bachelor’s degree program where at least 60 semester or trimester credit hours or 72 quarter credit hours have been successfully completed, including credit hours transferred into the bachelor’s degree program. 


Federal Verification Procedures 2023-2024

To be distributed to students selected for federal verification

Your Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) has been selected for federal verification. This means that you must provide additional information to the Director of Financial Aid in order for us to continue processing any federal financial aid for you. You must submit the required information in a timely manner. Failure to provide this information will make it impossible for you to receive federal financial aid. Please read the following procedures very carefully. Please feel free to contact the Director of Financial Aid, if you have any questions.

  1. Read the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR)

  2. Complete the enclosed verification worksheet and submit all documentation requested.

  3. If the verification worksheet requires income verification, you must obtain an IRS Tax Return Transcript for any returns filed by yourself and/or your parents. (If you filed your FAFSA using FAFSA on the Web and you used the IRS Data Retrieval tool you may not need to provide the IRS Tax Return Transcript).

  4. If your ISIR was flagged with Verification Tracking Group V4 or V5, you must attach documentation of high school completion or the equivalent. Additionally, you must appear in person with your government issued photo ID, at Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary & College to complete Section F: Documentation of Identity/Statement of Educational Purpose.

  5. You will be notified if additional documentation is required.


After all documentation is received, the financial aid office will review it. If there is any inconsistent information, you will be notified by the financial aid office via telephone or email to explain the inconsistency and/or resolve it with further documentation.  


If, based on information you provide, it becomes necessary to make corrections to your ISIR (Institutional Student Information Report) the corrections can be made to your FAFSA online.   Corrections must be submitted by September 14, 2024.  All verification documentation must be in by September 21, 2024 at the latest, or 120 days from the last date of your attendance, whichever is earlier. We urge you to complete and submit all verification paperwork as soon as possible. If you provide the required verification documentation before the verification deadline, but after September 14, 2024 and a correction is needed, you will not be able to receive your awards.

If while reviewing your ISIR you notice any incorrect information please contact the Director of Financial Aid, for guidance. You will be asked to correct the information either online on your FAFSA, or on the ISIR itself where you will need to sign next to the corrected information. One of your parents may have to sign as well if you are a dependent student.


FSA Credit Balance Procedures

Procedures for handling credit balances of students at WITS are as follows:


When Title IV awards that are credited to a student’s tuition account exceed the student’s tuition balance, and a credit balance occurs, the amount of the credit will be disbursed to the student.


The Office of the Bursar will issue a check to the student in the amount of the credit balance. These disbursements are made within fourteen days of the date that the credit balance occurs.


Accommodating Students with Disabilities

WITS adheres to the mandates of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). WITS provides reasonable accommodation(s) for qualified students who disclose and verify disability. Students who wish to discuss reasonable accommodation(s) for verifiable disabilities are responsible for identifying themselves to the Student Services Coordinator and providing the required verification of disability documents.


To receive reasonable accommodation(s), a student is required to provide documentation from a licensed clinical professional familiar with the history and functional implications of the impairment(s). Faculty will be informed if a student in one of their classes requires accommodation(s). Only students approved through this process should receive accommodation(s).


Documentation must include all of the following information:

− Name of student (patient)

− Diagnostic statement identifying the disability

− Description of current functional limitations

− Expected progression or stability of the disability

− Recommendation for accommodations, adaptive services, assistive services, and/or support services

− Medication prescribed, including possible side effects


If the original documentation is incomplete or inadequate to determine the extent of the disability or reasonable accommodation, WITS has the discretion to require additional documentation. A diagnosis or test performed by a member of the student’s family is not acceptable documentation. Additionally, students requesting accommodations for the manifestations of multiple disabilities must provide evidence of all such conditions. All verification of disability documents, including individualized educational plans (IEPs), should be submitted to the Director of Student Services no later than the first week of the student’s first semester at WITS.



Students may add or drop courses on Populi throughout the initial registration period. After the initial registration period, a student who wishes to drop a course must complete a Drop Form available on the institutional website. Fall and spring deadlines for submitting the Drop Forms are provided on the Academic Calendar. Late registration and drop forms will be charged a $50 late fee, when applicable, as per the fee schedule. The following specific provisions apply for adding and dropping courses.


Adding Courses


- Kodesh courses may be added via a Request to Add a Kodesh Course form until the Add/Drop deadline designated on the Academic Calendar.

- General studies courses may be added on Populi until the Add/Drop deadline designated on the Academic Calendar.

- A student who joins a course late is responsible for making up all missed work. Missed classes will be considered absences.

Dropping Courses

- Kodesh courses may not be dropped after the start of a semester without written approval of the Executive Dean/Menaheles.

- Once registration is locked on Populi (Kodesh courses are locked the day before the semester starts; general studies courses are locked the day after the add/drop deadline noted on the Academic Calendar), a Request to Drop a General Studies Course form must be submitted.

- Courses dropped before the deadline to drop without a W as designated on the Academic Calendar will not show on transcripts.

- Courses dropped before the deadline to drop without an F as designated on the Academic Calendar will show as a W on transcripts.

- After that final drop deadline designated on the Academic Calendar, a student must complete the course or receive a grade of F.

- Dropping a course due to health reasons requires documentation and must be approved by the Executive Dean/Menaheles and/or Academic Dean and will have no academic or financial penalty.

- Students who stop attending a course without following the correct procedure will receive a grade of F for the course.

For courses being completed under partnership agreements with other institutions, a student must follow the add/drop policies of the other institution, as well as complete the appropriate paperwork with the Registrar. A student may not add or drop such courses directly through the partner institution


Advanced Placement Equivalences


Disclosure Of Public Data

WITS gathers data and conducts data analyses in support of institutional planning, decision making, policy development, and student learning assessment. WITS also gathers data and conducts data analyses to comply with mandatory and voluntary reporting to internal and external constituencies.


Any data that does not contain personally identifiable information and has not been classified as protected data or sensitive data may be classified as public data. In general, public data are limited to the following:


     − Retention Rate (fall-to-fall return rate; percentage of students enrolling in consecutive fall semesters)

     − Persistence Rate (term-to-term return rate; percentage of students enrolling in consecutive semesters)

     − Graduation Rate (completion rate; percentage of students who graduate or complete a program within 100%, 150%, or 200% of normal time to program completion)

     − Student Profile Data (demographic data)

     − Student Learning Data (results of institutional-level and program-level learning assessments)


The release of any institutional data for disclosure on any publicly accessible platform or for publication in any format must be authorized in advance by the Executive Dean/Menaheles.


Public information must not pose any significant harm to the institution and must not contain any regulated or confidential information. Should any internal, confidential, or regulated data or information be discovered to have been made available to the general public, such data or information should be immediately reported to the Executive Dean/Menaheles and promptly removed by the current institutional webmaster.


Diversity Statement

Consonant with the institutional mission, the WITS student body is composed of a community of women learners committed to the Orthodox Jewish faith. While these commonalities form the core identity, the institution embraces individual differences and respects diversity of thought, ideologies, beliefs, and backgrounds.


WITS is committed to creating an inclusive institutional culture that embodies and demonstrates the unifying power of Torah study. This commitment is illustrated by the following guiding principles:


      - The learning experience at WITS prepares students to live and work in a diverse and global society. Academic discourse is expected to raise awareness of bias and promote practices that foster kavod ha’briyos of all persons and groups.


      - Faculty and staff create a welcoming and accepting academic experience. Hiring practices aim to reflect an intentional and inclusive work and learning environment.


      - In all interactions, WITS expects faculty, staff, and students to model behaviors and attitudes that value mutual respect, fairness, and acceptance of characteristics different from one’s self.


Drugs and Alcohol

WITS is committed to maintaining a drug-, alcohol-, and tobacco-free campus for the benefit and protection of students, faculty, and staff. All policies listed below are strictly enforced.


Standards of Conduct Regarding Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Use

  • The use of illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco on campus is strictly prohibited.


  • WITS does not tolerate any unlawful use, possession, manufacture, dispensation or distribution of illicit drugs.


  • Any student who has violated a federal drug law must notify the WITS administration within 5 days.


  • Any student who violates this policy will be held responsible, and censured severely, up to and including suspension or expulsion.


 Health Risks

The use or abuse of alcohol or controlled substances, including prescription drugs and marijuana, can present a threat to the health and safety of an individual and the school community.


Studies have shown that all illegal (and many prescription) drugs are, to some extent, physically and/or psychologically addictive. There are always risks involved when taking illegal drugs. Many drugs are potentially addictive after one dose and can kill with just the smallest amount of overdose. Drugs are unlikely to be “pure,” and there is no way of knowing what they are mixed with. This can easily lead to an accidental overdose.


Some of the many health risks from illegal drug use include liver disease, lung damage, heart attack and brain damage. Drug use can also lead to a coma and death, even after “just” one dose. Excessive use of drugs or alcohol can have immediate effects that increase the risk of many harmful health conditions, including injuries, such as motor vehicle crashes, falls, drowning, and burns.


Drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short span of time can cause alcohol poisoning, which may be dangerous or life threatening. Long term health risks from excessive alcohol consumption include high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, cancers and more.


Substance Abuse Counseling and Treatment


WITS is committed to helping students deal with issues and problems in a mature, sensible manner focusing on prevention rather than treatment. In addition, all faculty members have been trained to be sensitive to the physical and emotional well-being of the students and to assist as appropriate.


If a student needs alcohol, drug, or other addiction-related services, WITS can provide referrals for counseling or other appropriate services. If a problem is discovered, professional intervention will be required before permission is granted to return to campus.


If a student needs drug or alcohol counseling or treatment, they may contact the Executive Dean/Menaheles who will provide referrals to licensed counselors or email for confidential referrals.


These additional resources are also available:

Chayeinu Baltimore





813 Quentin Rd.
Brooklyn NY 11223-2251
Tel. 718-787-4412
Fax 718-787-4418



11 Broadway, Suite 1076, New York, NY 10004





These are confidential resource centers that provide meaningful assistance, enduring support, and direct referrals for individuals and families impacted by addiction, and other crisis-related matters.

Legal Sanctions (Local, State, and Federal)


  • Local, state and federal laws are constantly changing. Every effort is made to distribute current information.


  • Being in the company of others who are using illegal drugs, even if not participating, may result in arrest.


  • State of Maryland statutes provide penalties for a person found to have acted as an organizer, supervisor, manager, or financier of a scheme distributing illegal drugs, and provide that such conduct is a first-degree crime punishable by imprisonment and fines.


  • Local ordinances may range from fines for driving with an open container of an alcoholic beverage in the car, regardless of whether the driver has consumed any alcohol, to more severe penalties.


  • Although marijuana is legal in Maryland, it is illegal under federal law. Therefore, the possession, use or distribution of marijuana on a campus that receives Title IV funding is prohibited.


Disciplinary Sanctions


As an institution firmly opposed to any drug involvement, WITS will deal severely with any student who violates the drug and alcohol policy. Students or employees who become aware of a fellow student or employee who is misusing drugs or alcohol, are expected to bring the problem to the attention of the Executive Dean/Menaheles immediately. Any student or employee who fails to do so will be held responsible and will be censured.


  • First Offense – Students


A student who is reported to have misused drugs or alcohol will be called to the Office of the Executive Dean/Menaheles. The Executive Dean/Menaheles will interview any witnesses and make a determination of the student’s culpability. If found at fault, the student will receive a reprimand and the offense will be noted in the permanent record.


At the discretion of the Executive Dean/Menaheles, the student will be suspended.


If the Executive Dean/Menaheles is fully satisfied that this was a unique occurrence and that the student is sincerely regretful and can be trusted to refrain from any future involvement with drugs or alcohol, the student may be allowed to return to campus.


The student will be clearly warned that any repeat of the offense will result in immediate suspension pending investigation and ultimately expulsion.


  • Second Offense – Students

Any student who is guilty of a second offense as determined by investigation by a faculty board of inquiry will immediately be expelled from the institution. Reinstatement may be considered only after a prolonged period of professional counseling and compliance testing and at the discretion of the Executive Dean/Menaheles.


There is no due process involved, and no appeal will be accepted. Attendance at WITS is a privilege, not a right, and may be withdrawn without notice if the student is deemed a threat to the moral and/or physical integrity of the student body.


  • First Offense – Employees


In general, no job applicant who has been convicted of a drug-related offense will be hired as an employee of WITS, although extenuating circumstances may be considered. Any employee who has concealed a past drug-related conviction will be terminated without notice if such offense is discovered. Any employee who is observed to be misusing drugs or engaging in the unlawful possession or sale of drugs will immediately be terminated and referred to appropriate law enforcement officials.

Substance Abuse Counseling and Treatment


WITS is committed to helping students deal with issues and problems in a mature, sensible manner focusing on prevention rather than treatment. In addition, all faculty members have been trained to be sensitive to the physical and emotional well-being of the students and to assist as appropriate.


If a student needs alcohol, drug, or other addiction-related services, WITS can provide referrals for counseling or other appropriate services. If a problem is discovered, professional intervention will be required before permission is granted to return to campus.


If a student needs drug or alcohol counseling or treatment, they may contact the Executive Dean/Menaheles who will provide referrals to licensed counselors or email for confidential referrals.


These additional resources are also available:

Chayeinu Baltimore





813 Quentin Rd.
Brooklyn NY 11223-2251
Tel. 718-787-4412
Fax 718-787-4418



11 Broadway, Suite 1076, New York, NY 10004





These are confidential resource centers that provide meaningful assistance, enduring support, and direct referrals for individuals and families impacted by addiction, and other crisis-related matters.

Non Discrimination
Student Code

Firearms and Weapons

No firearms or ammunition are permitted on campus or in outdoor areas of the campus or in conjunction with any WITS-sponsored activity.


For the purpose of this policy, BB guns, illegal knives, blowguns, swords, slingshots, bows and arrows, crossbows, and similar devices are considered dangerous weapons, and their possession and use are prohibited. Explosives of any type, including fireworks, firecrackers, cherry bombs, bottle rockets, and similar devices are prohibited at all times. Items such as airsoft guns, paint guns, paintballs, darts, knives, mace, pepper spray, or other realistic toys or replicas used inappropriately, or in contexts for which they are not intended, will be treated as dangerous weapons.


All firearms, explosives, and dangerous weapons will be confiscated. The only exception to this policy is the legal possession of firearms or weapons by law enforcement or security officers in the course of their duty.

Maintenance of Matriculation

All students must register each semester to be in continuous attendance at WITS. Students in good standing who are not registering for classes in a specific semester, regardless of the reason, must submit a Maintenance of Matriculation form to maintain matriculation status for that semester. The Maintenance of Matriculation form can be found on the WITS website under current students. Students must notify their academic advisor and the registrar of their intent to maintain matriculation prior to the last day of add/drop for a given semester. Maintenance of matriculation is not required for the summer semester unless the students are obtaining their degrees in that semester. Students must be either registered or on maintenance of matriculation in the semester they obtain their degree. There is a fee of $25 per semester for maintaining matriculation.


Students are permitted to maintain matriculation for a maximum of six semesters, as long as all degree requirements are completed within six calendar years of matriculation (first term of entry). Any student who does not register either for regularly scheduled classes or for maintaining matriculation will be withdrawn from the program.


WITS prohibits discrimination in educational policies, employment, campus services, and activities on the basis of age, color, creed, disability, gender identity, national/ethnic origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran/uniform status, and all other classifications protected by law.


With respect to admission, WITS admits qualified women of the Orthodox Jewish faith without regard to age, color, creed, disability, national/ethnic origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran/uniform status.


A complaint concerning discrimination is to be submitted to:


Office for Civil Rights

Philadelphia Office US Department of Education

100 Penn Square East, Suite 515

Philadelphia, PA 19107-3323

Telephone: 215-656-8541


Individuals seeking to file a discrimination-based complaint must submit a written complaint as noted in the policy.

Recruitment Incentive



WITS does not participate in recruiter compensation/incentive programs. The institution does not compensate any employee involved in student recruitment on the basis of a commission, commission draw, bonus, quota, or similar method of payment.

Student Code of Conduct

.WITS is committed to the creation and maintenance of a learning environment that fosters the intellectual, personal, social, and ethical development of students. In addition to meeting academic challenges, students are expected to develop maturity, self-sufficiency, responsibility, and respect for others.


Enrollment at WITS is construed as acceptance of the policies of the institution and agreement of a student to abide by high standards of personal conduct, which include the following:


  • Model Orthodox Jewish Values and Culture – Students are expected to demonstrate derech eretz (respect) for the Orthodox faith and teachings through behavior, interactions, dialogue, and dress.


  • Respect Others – Students are expected to treat others with courtesy, respect, and dignity, and exhibit tolerance and openness for diverse opinions and perspectives.


  • Model Academic Honesty – Students are expected to fulfill their academic obligations through honest and independent effort.


  • Refrain from Disruptive Behavior – Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner than ensures an environment conducive to learning and collaboration and which does not infringe on the rights of others.


  • Maintain Safety and Well-being of Self and Others – Students are expected to refrain from behavior that intentionally or recklessly endangers, threatens, or causes physical or emotional harm to any person.


  • Avoid Possession of Alcohol, Tobacco, Illegal Substances, and Weapons – Students are expected to adhere to policies and laws that prohibit the possession, consumption, and/or distribution of alcohol, tobacco, illegal substances, and weapons.


  • Respect Institutional Property – Students are expected to demonstrate respect for institutional property and use institutional technology in an appropriate and ethical manner.


  • Comply with Local, State, or Federal Laws, or Other Rules and Policies – Students are expected to comply with all institutional rules, regulations, and policies, as well as local, state, or federal law or rule.


The Student Code of Conduct applies to conduct and behavior that occurs on campus premises, as well as conduct and behavior that occurs in the following contexts:


  • Via electronic means, including within online classes, via phone/texting, and on social media;

  • At designated learning sites, including internships, clinical placements, and field trips;

  • At WITS-sponsored events, such as community service trips; and

  • While utilizing institutional computing or network services.


WITS reserves the right to take any necessary and appropriate steps to protect the safety and well-being of students, faculty, and staff. Any member of the WITS community may submit a report regarding inappropriate or concerning student behavior following the Student Grievance Procedure. Any student found to be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct will be subject to disciplinary sanctions.


Disciplinary Consequences


Serious violations of misconduct or patterns of behavior contradictory to the Student Code of Conduct and institutional mission will be submitted to the Conduct Board for review. The Conduct Board is comprised of four individuals (the Executive Dean/Menaheles (chair), one additional member of the Senior Leadership Team and two faculty). The Conduct Board is charged with addressing matters of student misconduct and determining disciplinary action, where warranted. In determining any disciplinary action, the Conduct Board may consider actions up to and including expulsion.


Due Process


Students have the right of due process and may appeal a decision of the Conduct Board. To appeal a decision, a student must submit a written request to the Executive Dean/Menaheles for an appeal hearing with the Conduct Board. The request must be submitted within seven business days of receipt of the decision letter. The Executive Dean/Menaheles will schedule the appeal hearing within seven business days after receiving the written request. The appeal hearing will be held with the Executive Dean/Menaheles, the Ombudsman, and the student. Any decision stemming from the appeal hearing will be final.

Student Leave of Absence

Under certain specialized circumstances, a student may be granted an approved leave of absence. In order to be granted a leave of absence, a student must follow the following procedures.


A student must request the leave of absence in writing to the Executive Dean/Menaheles. The request must be signed and dated and must include the reason for which the student is requesting a leave of absence. A leave of absence will not be granted if the reason for the request is not included. The Executive Dean/Menaheles will review the request for a leave of absence within 10 days of submission. If approved, the request will be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar and the decision will be placed in the official academic record. Notification will be sent to the Office of Financial Aid.


A student must submit the request for a leave of absence and must receive the approval prior to beginning the leave of absence. The exception would be for unusual circumstances when it is impossible for the student to do so, i.e. if the student was in an accident or other experienced an unforeseen emergency/disaster.


A student will only be granted a leave of absence if it can be expected that she will return from the leave of absence on time. If it appears that the student may not return after the leave of absence, an approval will not be granted.


The maximum time for an approved leave of absence is 180 days.


A student on an approved leave of absence will not be considered withdrawn from the institution and no refund calculations will be made for Title IV financial aid received. A student who fails to return to school after an approved leave of absence will be considered withdrawn from the institution as of the date of the start of the leave of absence and refunds will be calculated accordingly.

Technology Acceptable Usage

WITS provides students, faculty, and staff with technological resources for the purposes of teaching, research, educational, and administrative support. Access to such resources, including computers, software, printers, email, and network access, is considered a privilege and the responsibility for proper and ethical use lies with individual users.


Upon accessing or using any WITS-owned technological resource, an individual agrees to comply with the following acceptable use guidelines:


      a. WITS-owned computers or personally-owned computers connected to the WITS network may not be used to violate others’ right to privacy. WITS specifically prohibits reading or attempting to read another person’s email, accessing another person’s files, accessing electronic records containing information concerning another person, using another person’s email account, and using another person’s password.


      b. Users of WITS-owned computers may not participate in technology-based unethical or illegal activities, including, but not limited to, the following:


      − Privacy violation;

      − Copyright violation;

      − Harassment or intimidation;

      − Fraud or misrepresentation;

      − Theft, including theft of data;

      − Creation, possession, distribution, or accessing of provocative or offensive material; and

      − Creation or dissemination of electronic content or communication that promotes hate, violence, or defames/demeans on the basis of age, disability, gender, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other basis protected by law.


      c. WITS-owned computers may not be used to store personal files, videos, music, software, documents, or photographs.


      d. Users may not interfere with or alter the integrity of WITS-owned equipment or software.


      e. Users must adhere to any WITS-acquired licensing agreements and avoid illegal duplication of any WITS-owned software.


      f. Users are expected to observe basic technology courtesies, including, but not limited to, refraining from excessive use of paper, refraining from using WITS-owned computers for personal monetary gain, and being considerate and fair in use of all resources.


      g. All WITS-assigned email accounts are the property of WITS. Email is intended to be used in a manner consistent with the standards of academic integrity and ethical business conduct. WITS reserves the right to assign, monitor, and revoke email privileges at any time.


The guidelines prescribed in this policy are not intended to be all-inclusive. Any behavior that is considered an unethical use of technological resources or deemed contrary to the institutional mission will be subject to disciplinary action and financial reimbursement of any damages. Any information or observations regarding the misuse of WITS-owned technological resources should be immediately reported to the Executive Dean/Menaheles.

Transfer of Credit

Courses taken at another higher education institution may be approved and accepted for transfer credit toward a degree or certification at WITS. Transfer credits are not included in the calculation of grade point average. However, credits accepted in transfer are counted toward the number of credits attempted and earned by a student.


WITS will accept up to 30 credits from Shana Alef (first year) seminary programs and up to 21 credits from Shana Bet (second year) seminary programs.


Official transcripts from each institution where college-level courses were taken must be submitted. Course descriptions and/or syllabi are also required. Courses earning a grade of “C” and higher are transferable. Courses taken over five years ago may expire and may not be applied to the degree, if the course content is out-of-date, as determined by the Academic Dean.


WITS accepts credit from the following:


− Regionally accredited institutions

− AIJS accredited institutions

− Courses taken at nationally accredited institutions on a case-by-case basis. WITS does not accept tests for credit from nationally accredited institutions

− Coursework approved by American Council on Education (ACE) on a case-by-case basis

− Coursework approved by National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) on a case-by-case basis. WITS does not accept tests for credit from NCCRS

− Foreign credit evaluations that have been evaluated by a service, such as WES, ECE, AACRO, SILNY

− Select post-secondary Jewish studies seminaries

− Credit by exam

       • Advanced Placement (AP) – Minimum score of 4 is required

       • College Level Examination Program (CLEP) – May earn up to 12 credits; May be combined with foreign language exams and/or Connecticut Credit Assessment Program (CCAP) credits for a cap of 30 credits; CLEP credit may not be accepted for courses in the major or minor; CLEP credit may not be granted for courses offered that semester

       • New York University (NYU) Foreign Language Exam

       • CompTIA certifications for credit


WITS pledges that the institution does not provide false, erroneous, or misleading statements concerning the institution or nature of programs and services, including: types of courses offered; nature and extent of accreditation; transfer credit policy; whether successful completion of a course qualifies a student for acceptance into a labor union or to receive a local, state, or federal license, or a nongovernmental certification required as a prerequisite for employment, or to perform certain functions in the conditions that the institution recognizes are generally necessary to secure employment in a recognized occupation for which the program is represented to prepare students; requirements for completing a course of study or program; conditions that would constitute grounds for termination of student enrollment; whether courses are endorsed by governmental officials or others; size, location, facilities, or equipment of the facility; availability of courses; number, accessibility, and qualifications of the faculty or other personnel; nature of prerequisites for enrollment in any course; any facts related to the degree, diploma, or certification that a student may be awarded at the end of a course of study; and whether a degree that the institution provides is authorized by the appropriate state educational agency.


WITS assures that information regarding the nature of financial charges that is provided to students is correct. This includes information such as: offers of scholarships for courses; cost of a program; refund policy; availability and nature of any financial assistance offered; a student’s responsibility to repay any loans; and a student’s right to reject any type of financial aid.


WITS further assures that all information regarding employability of graduates is true. This includes information about whether the institution is connected with any organization that is providing training leading directly to employment and whether employment is being offered by the institution.

Emergency Procedures, Safety and Security

In the event of a fire or other emergency, the fire alarm will sound throughout the building. If this alarm sounds or there is a verbal warning, all individuals must evacuate the building immediately and observe the following procedures:


− Walk steadily. Do not run.

− Leave the building as directed or as designated in the emergency exit plan that is posted around the building.

− Close all doors as rooms are evacuated.

− Report to the designated evacuation areas.

− Remain in the designated evacuation areas until there is an all-clear signal or report.


Testing of the alarm system and practice drills are periodically performed to assure compliance with safety regulations.


All emergency contact information is as follows:


In a medical emergency:

− Call Hatzalah at 410-358-0000 or call 911

− Notify the WITS main office in person or call 410-358-3144


If someone is the victim of a crime or abuse:

− Call 911

− Call the Executive Dean/Menaheles and/or Chana helpline at 410-234-0023


If someone sees something suspicious or criminal on campus:

− Call 911

− Call Shomrim at 410-358-9999

− Notify the WITS main office in person or call 410-358-3144

If someone is in need of counseling:

− Contact the Executive Dean/Menaheles who will provide referrals to licensed counselors or email for confidential referrals


If the WITS main office is closed or in cases of all other emergencies:

− Call Rebbetzin Rosenbaum at 443-955-1463

− Call Dr. Klein at 347-262-8000

− Call Mrs. Glazer at 443-844-7709

− Call Mrs. Esti Taragin at 410-258-9928

Notice of Non-Discrimination - Title IX
Title IX

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WITS does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, as required by Title IX including in employment.

Inquiries about the application of Title IX may be referred to WITS’s Title IX Coordinator, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, or both.

WITS’s Title IX Coordinator
Name: Dr. Katherine Endy
Office Address: 6602 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21215
Email Address:
Telephone Number: 410-358-3144 ext. 35

Office for Civil Rights
Phone: 800-421-3481
TDD: 800-877-8339
FAX: 202-453-6012

WITS’s Title IX Non-Discrimination Policy and Grievance Procedures can be located at:

To report information about conduct that may constitute sex discrimination under Title IX or to make a complaint of sex discrimination, you may contact WITS’s Title IX coordinator or the OCR, using the contact information listed above.

The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 contains numerous federal reporting and disclosure requirements for information from various administrative areas of higher education institutions, including financial aid and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary and College (WITS) emails the FERPA policy to each student. A paper copy is available upon request. To make this information readily available, WITS has created this webpage, which is designed to provide quick access to important data, policies and disclosures. Additional information can be found in the Academic Catalog, Student Handbook and Financial Aid Handbook. For more information, contact the Office of Administrative Affairs or the Office of Financial Aid. Both offices can be reached during normal business hours.

General Institutional Information

​Tuition and Financial Assistance




Health and Safety

WITS is dedicated to keeping our campus as safe as possible. It is with the adherence of the following guidelines that staff, faculty and students will, BE”H, be able to work together to accomplish this goal. WITS continues to monitor COVID-19 statistics and seeks guidance from medical experts to adjust the WITS safety guidelines as necessary.



Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary & College's (WITS) annual Clery Act report can be accessed HERE.
A printed report may also be obtained from the office upon request.


WITS publishes an annual security report as required by the Clery Act. The report contains statistics for the previous three calendar years on specific Clery crimes that were reported to have occurred on campus and on public property within or immediately adjacent to campus. The report also contains information on campus security and safety, including crime prevention, crime reporting policies, drug and alcohol policies, and other topics regarding safety and security on campus.

Academic Regulations ad Policies

Academic Regulations and Policies

Definition of Credit Hour

WITS offers courses over 15-week spring and fall semesters and two overlapping 8-week summer semesters (Summer Session I and Summer Session II). A student who enrolls in a minimum of 12 credits per a fall or spring semester is considered a full-time student. For the summer semester, full-time status is determined by adding the total number of credits taken in Summer Session I and Summer Session II. A student who enrolls in a minimum of 12 credits per summer semester is considered a full-time student.


WITS defines one credit hour as an amount of work that approximates the following:


  1. Not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and two hours of out-of-class student work per week for 15 weeks or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or

  2. At least an equivalent amount of work (as required in paragraph 1) in courses and academic activities where direct instruction is not the primary mode of learning, such as laboratory work, independent study, distance learning, internships, practica, or other academic work leading to the award of credit.

Incomplete Grades

If a student has not completed all required course work but has completed at least 50%, the student may request an incomplete in the course. Granting an incomplete is at the discretion of the faculty member and the Executive Dean/Menaheles (kodesh courses) or the Academic Dean (general studies courses). The course grade is marked as incomplete. A course in which a student receives a grade of incomplete is not included in the GPA as long as the Incomplete remains on the transcript. A course marked incomplete is included in the student’s number of credits attempted but not credits completed.


Changes of grade or adjustments to incomplete grades after the conclusion of the semester for contracted courses are in accordance with the policies of the contracting institution.


If granted an incomplete, a student will have until that semester’s deadline to complete their missing coursework. Beyond that point, a student must petition in writing to the Executive Dean/Menaheles (kodesh courses) or the Academic Dean (general studies courses) for a further extension. Faculty are not authorized to grant individual extensions beyond the deadline. If no written request is submitted by the deadline, a student who has not completed the required coursework will receive a grade of zero for the missing coursework. The deadline for Fall Semester courses is May 15. The deadline for Spring and Summer semester courses is December 1.


Withdrawn Courses

Courses that a student withdraws from before the first drop deadline will not appear on the student’s transcript and will not be included in the number of credits attempted. From that point until the second drop deadline, a student dropping a course will receive a grade of W (Withdrawal) for the course and the credits will be included in the number of credits attempted. After the second drop deadline, the student must complete the course or receive a grade of F (Failure). While a W (Withdrawal) does not factor into the GPA, an F (Failure) does. Dropping a course due to health reasons requires documentation from a medical professional and approval from the Executive Dean/Menaheles (kodesh courses) or the Academic Dean (general studies courses). There are no academic or financial penalties. All drop deadlines are noted on the Academic Calendar.

Transfer Credits

Transfer credits are not included in the calculation of the grade point average. However, the credits accepted are counted toward the number of credits attempted and earned by the student.


Appeals Process and Mitigating Circumstances

A student who wishes to appeal a determination of probationary status, lack of Satisfactory Academic Progress, or similar issues must submit an appeal in writing to the Menaheles. The Menaheles will consider all relevant information, i.e., mitigating circumstances such as illness or death in the immediate family or other unusual situations. The student must also explain how her situation has changed to allow her to make satisfactory academic progress. The Menaheles will consult with faculty members as appropriate. The Menaheles’s decision will be conveyed to the student in writing within ten days of receipt of the student’s written appeal.


Repeating Courses

A student who wishes to raise the grade of a specific course may repeat the same course. Both courses and grades will appear on all official transcripts. However, credit is only earned once. The lower grade will not be calculated as part of the semester grade point average nor the overall grade point average.


All repeated courses are counted in the number of the student’s attempted credits. For determination of a student’s enrollment status, if a student is repeating a course in which she received a passing grade, for the purpose of grade improvement, it is counted towards her enrollment status only the first time the course is retaken. If a student is repeating a course in which she received a failing grade, it is counted towards her enrollment status for as many times as she is repeating that course in an attempt to pass.


A student repeating a course must remain within the time frame required for satisfactory academic progress standards.

Class Performance

Class performance is considered in determining a student’s final grade in a course. Attendance is an integral element of course performance. The instruction and guidance offered in the classroom is the cornerstone of a student’s education. While there is no formal attendance policy at WITS, students are expected to attend all class and laboratory sessions. Faculty factor attendance into the class performance element of the final grade. Classroom participation, another aspect of class performance, is expected and encouraged in order to facilitate the integration of independently prepared assignments with the subject matter covered in the classroom. Specific grading and class performance guidelines are found in the syllabus of each course.

Students are responsible for all material, assignments or exams missed during absences. Students who anticipate prolonged absences should inform their respective faculty member(s) and the Menaheles (Kodesh courses) and/or the Academic Dean (General Studies courses).


Make-Up Exams and Late Work

WITS’ policy on missed exams and late work is designed to promote a consistent and fair procedure for administering exams, quizzes, and related forms of learning assessment.  


  • All students are expected to take exams and submit assignments as scheduled.  


  • A student requiring an extension or accommodation must receive approval from the faculty member prior to the day of the exam or assignment due date. In the case of emergency, a student should contact the faculty member at the earliest possible time. Informing the faculty demonstrates the derech eretz expected of WITS students.  


  • Students with permission to reschedule an exam should complete the Make-Up Exam Scheduling Form - Kodesh Courses or Make-Up Exam Scheduling Form – General Studies Courses. Students will receive confirmation and details via their Populi Activity Feed. All rescheduled exams must be completed in the WITS Testing Center. Faculty do not administer make-up exams and students do not submit late exams directly to faculty. There is a proctor fee of $10 for make-up exams taken within a week of the scheduled time, and $25 for exams taken after one week.   


  • There are special guidelines for final exams. Students who cannot take a final exam as scheduled, must submit a Request to Reschedule a Final Exam Form and provide explanation of extenuating circumstances. Students should not consider their request approved until they receive approval via their Populi Activity Feed. A rescheduled final exam must be taken during the designated make-up exam slot. The proctor fee for final exams is $35. Students applying to graduate school and requiring expedited transcripts must be aware that rescheduling a final exam will delay transcripts.  


  • Faculty have the right to deduct points or otherwise penalize students for missed exams and late assignments, with the exception of true medical emergencies. Any late work will have five points deducted from the grade. After one week past the due date, an additional 5 points will be deducted. For each additional week past the due date, another five points will be deducted. Faculty may have additional policies regarding late work which will appear in the course syllabus.


  • If a student arrives late to any exam without a valid excuse, the exam must be completed in the remainder of the allotted time.  


  • Students may not negotiate with faculty for a different way to make-up a missed exam, e.g. substitute a paper. 


Final Exams

Final exams are scheduled Sunday through Friday and must be taken as scheduled. Work schedules or other commitments must be adjusted to conform to the final exam schedule. Any student who fails to take a final exam as scheduled will receive a grade of zero for the exam. There are special guidelines for final exams. Students who cannot take a final exam as scheduled, must submit a Request to Reschedule a Final Exam Form and provide explanation of extenuating circumstances. Students should not consider their request approved until they receive approval via their Populi Activity Feed. A rescheduled final exam must be taken during the designated make-up exam slot. The proctor fee for final exams is $35. Students applying to graduate school and requiring expedited transcripts must be aware that rescheduling a final exam may delay transcripts.  

Student Records

The official academic records of all students, past and present, are maintained in the Office of the Registrar. The official transcript contains identifying information, a complete record of all coursework, transfer credits, academic status and any degrees or certificates granted. The transcript is retained as a permanent record of WITS.


Students are encouraged to periodically review their transcripts. Students have one semester after the completion of courses to inform WITS of any error on their transcripts.


Students may request an official WITS transcript to be sent to a designated recipient. This request must be submitted online with the required transcript fee. The link to request a transcript is available on the institutional website. Students should allow two weeks from the date of submission of the transcript request for processing. Telephone requests cannot be honored. Students may receive unofficial copies of their transcript at no charge. 


Admisson Requirements

Admission Requirements and Procedures

WITS is an academically challenging institution that seeks applicants interested in pursuing a liberal arts education with an Orthodox Jewish foundation. The educational experience at WITS focuses on the development of Jewish educators, Jewish communal leaders, and professionally accomplished Jewish women who are committed to the perpetuation of Jewish ideals and mesorah (Jewish tradition). The overarching academic Torah-based framework and extracurricular programs are designed to cultivate social awareness, build professional knowledge and career skills, and enhance spiritual growth and development.



General Admission Requirements


Acceptance to WITS demonstrates the institution’s confidence in an applicant’s readiness to maximize her personal and academic growth. Applications are accepted throughout the year and evaluated on a rolling basis. The application form is available on the institutional website.


Requirements for admission are as follows:

  • An applicant must demonstrate commitment to Orthodox Jewish lifestyle and practices.

  • An applicant must be a high school graduate and provide evidence of high school graduation or equivalent. Recognized equivalents of high school graduation are as follows:

    • Successful completion General Educational Development (GED); or

    • Successful completion of an associate degree; or

    • Successful completion of at least 60 semester or trimester credits or 72 quarter credits that does not result in the awarding of an associate degree, but that is acceptable for full credit toward a baccalaureate degree at any institution; or

    • Enrollment in a baccalaureate degree program where at least 60 semester or trimester credits or 72 quarter credits have been successfully completed, including credits transferred into a baccalaureate degree program; or

    • Completion of a homeschooling program as per the requirements of the state of residence.

  • An applicant must have extensive knowledge of the Hebrew language.

  • An applicant must demonstrate the potential for academic success in college-level coursework in Jewish studies and general studies.

  • An applicant may be required to schedule a personal interview with the Executive Dean/Menaheles.

Verification of High School Graduation Documentation

Completion of a legitimate high school program is a pre-requisite for admission as a regular student to WITS and for eligibility for federal financial aid.

To comply with these requirements Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary and College staff review the students’ high school documentation on file (generally a transcript or diploma) to determine its legitimacy.


The review checks if the information is complete and clearly documents high school graduation from a legitimate high school. Specific focus is placed on the name and address of the high school to ensure that the entity issuing the documentation is not a bogus institution or an entity that charges a fee for the issuance of the diploma while requiring the student to perform little or no work.


Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary and College utilizes the following procedure to verify the high school information:


  1. Is the high school well known to Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary and College staff as a legitimate institution? (Faculty and staff are familiar with the majority of high schools that students who apply to Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary and College have attended). If yes, high school is verified and so documented on a student checklist.

  2. If the high school is unfamiliar, the name of the high school is checked against established and reliable national high school directories to see if school is listed. If yes, high school is verified and so documented on a student checklist.

  3. If the high school does not appear in any established national directories, the high school is contacted directly and information about the school‘s high school curriculum, programs, faculty, officials and graduation requirements is gathered. A professional and informed determination is then made as to whether the high school information received appears legitimate and consistent with generally acceptable high school standards. If yes, the school is verified and so documented on a student checklist.

  4. If the high school cannot meet any of the criteria listed above, the high school is not verified and cannot be used to satisfy the requirement of successful high school completion.

Application procedures and other requirements are dependent upon the selected enrollment status according to the following:

Degree-Seeking Students


Degree-seeking students may apply for admission as follows:


  • Submit an online application, which includes the following:

    • $150 non-refundable application fee

    • Recent photograph

    • Personal statement

  • Submit two letters of reference

  • Provide official high school transcript (with degree date) or equivalent

  • Provide official transcripts from seminary and study abroad programs, if applicable

  • Provide official transcripts from all previously attended colleges/universities, if applicable

  • Provide official SAT Score Report (Code 5491) and/or ACT Score Report (Code 7796) or request a waiver


High school graduates attending a college-level seminary program during their freshman year may earn up to 30 credits as part of the Israel Study Abroad Program (ISAP).


Requirements for participation in ISAP are as follows:

  • Acceptance as a WITS student; and

  • Acceptance to a WITS-approved seminary program; and

  • Commitment to attend WITS following completion of the first year of the WITS-approved seminary program



Certificate-Seeking Students


Certificate-seeking students may apply for admission as follows:


  • Submit an online application, which includes the following:

    • Recent photograph

    • Personal statement

  • Submit two letters of reference

  • Provide official transcript documenting highest degree earned (high school or college)



Non-Degree Seeking Students (Non-Matriculating Student)


Applicants seeking to enroll in coursework without earning a degree may apply for admission as follows:

  • Submit an online application, which includes the following:

    • Recent photograph

    • Submit names of two references



International Applicants


WITS welcomes international applicants. International applicants should begin the admission process at least six months in advance of the intended semester of enrollment. In addition to the general admissions requirements for all students, international students requiring I-20 or IAP-66 forms for student visas must also submit the following:

  • Proof of English proficiency; and

  • Written documentation showing sufficient financial support and resources to cover educational, living, and miscellaneous expenses.


Student Health Insurance


WITS does not provide health insurance or medical care. Costs of health insurance and medical expenses are the sole responsibility of each student. Upon acceptance, all students must provide proof of health insurance.


Availability of GED Program

Students who wish to be admitted to WITS, but do not possess a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent may access GED Program information through


CARES Act and HEERF Grant Reporting

Contitution Day

September 17

In commemoration of the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787, and in fulfillment of federal requirements to have an educational program on Constitution Day our institution presents the following information to students for their awareness and discussion:



The U.S. Constitution contains the fundamental principles of the U.S. Government. It was written by a convention of delegates from various states and was based upon numerous debates and discussions between them. The delegates met in Independence Hall in Philadelphia between May 1787 and September 1787. The original intention of the convention of delegates was to revise the existing principles of government known as the “Articles of Confederation”. However, after much discussion it was decided to write a new set of principles of government.



The Constitution sets out the democratic form of government that we have today. It invests the Congress of the United States, which is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives with legislative power such as the power to make laws, collect taxes, declare war, establish a system of currency etc. It states that each state, regardless of size, will have two members in the Senate, but in the House of Representatives, the number of representatives from each state will be based upon the population of each state. It also sets forth qualifications for members of the Senate and the House of Representatives i.e. to be a senator a person must be at least 30 years old and must have been a citizen of the United States for at least 9 years and must reside in that state.

The Constitution invests the President of the United States with executive power such as the power to nominate and appoint (with the advice and consent of the Senate) Judges of the Supreme Court, Ambassadors, Consuls and Officers, to grant pardons, to ensure that laws are executed faithfully etc. It states that the president shall be the Commander in Chief of the United States Army and Navy. The Constitution discusses how the president is elected and sets forth necessary qualifications for presidency i.e. to be elected as President a person must be at least thirty- five years old.


The Constitution invests the Supreme Court and other courts that congress establishes with judicial power. It states that trial of all crimes shall be by jury and shall be held in the state where the crime was committed.


These principles of government form the three branches of our government. They are: the Legislative Branch, the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch.



The Constitution has an important provision for addition to or change of its sections. Additions or changes are known as amendments. The Constitution states that an amendment may be proposed to the Constitution when at least two thirds of each part of Congress (the Senate and the House of Representatives) votes to propose the amendment. A proposed amendment can only be ratified (approved) when at least three quarters of each part of Congress approves.




The first ten amendments to the Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights. In 1789 these amendments were proposed in order to safeguard the rights of the citizens of the United States.


The First Amendment protects freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, and the right of the people to assemble peacefully and petition the government. This amendment is particularly relevant to us, as Jews. This amendment guarantees that we will always be able to practice our religion freely.


The Second Amendment protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms.


The Third Amendment states that no soldier shall be in quartered in any house without consent of the owner.


The Fourth Amendment protects the people from unreasonable searches and seizures and states that search warrants can only be issued when there is probable cause.


The Fifth Amendment states that no person can be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. It also states that no person shall be forced to be a witness against himself in any criminal case nor shall any person be held to answer for a capital or infamous crime without indictment of a grand jury. This amendment protects the right of a person to remain silent.


The Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Amendments grant people rights pertaining to court trials i.e. the right to a speedy trial by an impartial jury, the right to have a lawyer, a guarantee that excessive bail will not be charged and that cruel and unusual punishments will not be inflicted.


The Ninth Amendment states that the rights of the people are not limited to the rights listed in the Constitution.


The Tenth Amendment states that powers not delegated to the United States government will be retained by the states or by the people.


Additional Resources:


Copyright Infringement Policy

Copyright infringement is defined as the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17of the United States Code). Examples of copyright infringement include, but are not limited to, the following:


A. Downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement; and/or

B. Scanning or copying pages of text without permission of the copyright owner.


Disciplinary sanctions and the full Academic Honesty Policy are detailed in the Academic Catalog and the Student Handbook.

Student Achievement

Evaluations and Grade Values



The grade point average (GPA) is calculated by (1) multiplying the credits by the grade value which determines quality points, (2) adding the total number of quality points; (3) adding the total number of credits; (4) dividing the quality points by the quality hours.

All courses given at WITS require a grade of D to earn credit.

Although no credit is given for failing grades, all grades, except for pass (P), withdraw (W), and incomplete (I) are recorded and calculated as part of the GPA. Transfer courses are not calculated in the GPA.



Academic Honors​

Full-time students earning a grade point average of A 3.5 and higher are included on the Dean’s List for that semester. This designation is noted on the transcript for each semester earned.


Upon degree conferral, the following Latin designations will be noted on the final transcript and on the diploma:


Cum Laude (With Honor) – Cumulative GPA 3.5 –3.69

Magna Cum Laude (With High Honor) – Cumulative GPA 3.7 –3.89

Summa Cum Laude (With Highest Honor) – Cumulative GPA 3.9 and higher


Student Achievement

Graduation and retention as of Nov 2023-1.png
Strategic Goals

Strategic Goals

To continue institutional success, WITS recognizes the need to articulate long-term strategic goals to guide the institution into the future. The strategic goals 2020-2025 are as follows:


  • Academic Excellence and Student Success - WITS will sustain an academically-rigorous and student-centered learning environment that advances knowledge of Orthodox Jewish culture and which is informed by reliable assessment of effectiveness.


  • Fiscal Sustainability and Resources - WITS will build a financial foundation that strengthens and sustains institutional vitality through diverse sources of revenue.


  • Reputation and Influence - WITS will grow in awareness and reputation as a respected provider of quality undergraduate education for Orthodox Jewish women.                  


  • Collaboration and Relationships - WITS will strengthen the sense of community through improved connections with stakeholders.


Student Counseling

Students who desire personal or mental health counseling should contact the Menaheles for referrals to licensed counselors or email confidential referrals. A local rabbinic authority, Rabbi Heber, Rav, Khal Ahavas Yisroel Tzemach Tzedek and WITS faculty member, is also available to meet with students by appointment to answer halachic questions and offer personal guidance. To schedule an appointment, students should contact Rabbi Heber by phone (443-610-7535) or email (


Faculty members are also available to provide guidance in personal growth areas. Discussions between faculty members and students are confidential.

Verification of HS

Verification of High School Documentation

Completion of a legitimate high school program is a prerequisite for admission as a regular student to WITS and for eligibility for federal financial aid.


To comply with these requirements WITS staff review the students’ high school documentation on file (generally a transcript or diploma) to determine its legitimacy. Students who were homeschooled must provide documentation of completion of a homeschooling program as per the requirements of the state in which they reside.


The reviewer checks if the information is complete and clearly documents high school graduation from a legitimate high school. Specific focus is placed on the name and address of the high school to ensure that the entity issuing the documentation is not a bogus institution or an entity that charges a fee for the issuance of the diploma while requiring the student to perform little or no work.

WITS utilizes the following procedure to verify the high school information:


  • Is the high school well known to WITS staff as a legitimate institution? (Faculty and staff are familiar with the majority of high schools that students who apply to WITS have attended). If yes, high school is verified and so documented on a student checklist.

  • If the high school is unfamiliar, the name of the high school is checked against established and reliable national high school directories to see if school is listed. If it is, the high school is verified and so documented on a student checklist.

  • If the high school does not appear in any established national directories, the high school is contacted directly and information about the school‘s high school curriculum, programs, faculty, officials and graduation requirements is gathered. A professional and informed determination is then made as to whether the high school information received appears legitimate and consistent with generally acceptable high school standards. If it is, the high school is verified and so documented on a student checklist.

  • If the high school does not meet any of the criteria listed above, the high school is not verified and cannot be used to satisfy the requirement of successful high school completion.


Recognized equivalents of high school graduation include the following: 


  • GED

  • Successful completion of an associate’s degree program

  • Successful completion of at least 60 semester or trimester credit hours or 72 quarter credit hours that does not result in the awarding of an associate’s degree, but that is acceptable for full credit toward a bachelor’s degree at any institution

  • Enrollment in a bachelor’s degree program where at least 60 semester or trimester credit hours or 72 quarter credit hours have been successfully completed, including credit hours transferred into the bachelor’s degree program. 


Federal Verification Procedures 2023-2024

To be distributed to students selected for federal verification

Your Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) has been selected for federal verification. This means that you must provide additional information to the Director of Financial Aid in order for us to continue processing any federal financial aid for you. You must submit the required information in a timely manner. Failure to provide this information will make it impossible for you to receive federal financial aid. Please read the following procedures very carefully. Please feel free to contact the Director of Financial Aid, if you have any questions.

  1. Read the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR)

  2. Complete the enclosed verification worksheet and submit all documentation requested.

  3. If the verification worksheet requires income verification, you must obtain an IRS Tax Return Transcript for any returns filed by yourself and/or your parents. (If you filed your FAFSA using FAFSA on the Web and you used the IRS Data Retrieval tool you may not need to provide the IRS Tax Return Transcript).

  4. If your ISIR was flagged with Verification Tracking Group V4 or V5, you must attach documentation of high school completion or the equivalent. Additionally, you must appear in person with your government issued photo ID, at Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary & College to complete Section F: Documentation of Identity/Statement of Educational Purpose.

  5. You will be notified if additional documentation is required.


After all documentation is received, the financial aid office will review it. If there is any inconsistent information, you will be notified by the financial aid office via telephone or email to explain the inconsistency and/or resolve it with further documentation.  


If, based on information you provide, it becomes necessary to make corrections to your ISIR (Institutional Student Information Report) the corrections can be made to your FAFSA online.   Corrections must be submitted by September 14, 2024.  All verification documentation must be in by September 21, 2024 at the latest, or 120 days from the last date of your attendance, whichever is earlier. We urge you to complete and submit all verification paperwork as soon as possible. If you provide the required verification documentation before the verification deadline, but after September 14, 2024 and a correction is needed, you will not be able to receive your awards.

If while reviewing your ISIR you notice any incorrect information please contact the Director of Financial Aid, for guidance. You will be asked to correct the information either online on your FAFSA, or on the ISIR itself where you will need to sign next to the corrected information. One of your parents may have to sign as well if you are a dependent student.


FSA Credit Balance Procedures

Procedures for handling credit balances of students at WITS are as follows:


When Title IV awards that are credited to a student’s tuition account exceed the student’s tuition balance, and a credit balance occurs, the amount of the credit will be disbursed to the student.


The Office of the Bursar will issue a check to the student in the amount of the credit balance. These disbursements are made within fourteen days of the date that the credit balance occurs.


Accommodating Students with Disabilities

WITS adheres to the mandates of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). WITS provides reasonable accommodation(s) for qualified students who disclose and verify disability. Students who wish to discuss reasonable accommodation(s) for verifiable disabilities are responsible for identifying themselves to the Student Services Coordinator and providing the required verification of disability documents.


To receive reasonable accommodation(s), a student is required to provide documentation from a licensed clinical professional familiar with the history and functional implications of the impairment(s). Faculty will be informed if a student in one of their classes requires accommodation(s). Only students approved through this process should receive accommodation(s).


Documentation must include all of the following information:

− Name of student (patient)

− Diagnostic statement identifying the disability

− Description of current functional limitations

− Expected progression or stability of the disability

− Recommendation for accommodations, adaptive services, assistive services, and/or support services

− Medication prescribed, including possible side effects


If the original documentation is incomplete or inadequate to determine the extent of the disability or reasonable accommodation, WITS has the discretion to require additional documentation. A diagnosis or test performed by a member of the student’s family is not acceptable documentation. Additionally, students requesting accommodations for the manifestations of multiple disabilities must provide evidence of all such conditions. All verification of disability documents, including individualized educational plans (IEPs), should be submitted to the Director of Student Services no later than the first week of the student’s first semester at WITS.



Students may add or drop courses on Populi throughout the initial registration period. After the initial registration period, a student who wishes to drop a course must complete a Drop Form available on the institutional website. Fall and spring deadlines for submitting the Drop Forms are provided on the Academic Calendar. Late registration and drop forms will be charged a $50 late fee, when applicable, as per the fee schedule. The following specific provisions apply for adding and dropping courses.


Adding Courses


- Kodesh courses may be added via a Request to Add a Kodesh Course form until the Add/Drop deadline designated on the Academic Calendar.

- General studies courses may be added on Populi until the Add/Drop deadline designated on the Academic Calendar.

- A student who joins a course late is responsible for making up all missed work. Missed classes will be considered absences.

Dropping Courses

- Kodesh courses may not be dropped after the start of a semester without written approval of the Executive Dean/Menaheles.

- Once registration is locked on Populi (Kodesh courses are locked the day before the semester starts; general studies courses are locked the day after the add/drop deadline noted on the Academic Calendar), a Request to Drop Kodesh or General Studies Course form must be submitted.

- Courses dropped before the deadline to drop without a W as designated on the Academic Calendar will not show on transcripts.

- Courses dropped before the deadline to drop without an F as designated on the Academic Calendar will show as a W on transcripts.

- After that final drop deadline designated on the Academic Calendar, a student must complete the course or receive a grade of F.

- Dropping a course due to health reasons requires documentation and must be approved by the Executive Dean/Menaheles and/or Academic Dean and will have no academic or financial penalty.

- Students who stop attending a course without following the correct procedure will receive a grade of F for the course.

For courses being completed under partnership agreements with other institutions, a student must follow the add/drop policies of the other institution, as well as complete the appropriate paperwork with the Registrar. A student may not add or drop such courses directly through the partner institution


Advanced Placement Equivalences


Disclosure Of Public Data

WITS gathers data and conducts data analyses in support of institutional planning, decision making, policy development, and student learning assessment. WITS also gathers data and conducts data analyses to comply with mandatory and voluntary reporting to internal and external constituencies.


Any data that does not contain personally identifiable information and has not been classified as protected data or sensitive data may be classified as public data. In general, public data are limited to the following:


     − Retention Rate (fall-to-fall return rate; percentage of students enrolling in consecutive fall semesters)

     − Persistence Rate (term-to-term return rate; percentage of students enrolling in consecutive semesters)

     − Graduation Rate (completion rate; percentage of students who graduate or complete a program within 100%, 150%, or 200% of normal time to program completion)

     − Student Profile Data (demographic data)

     − Student Learning Data (results of institutional-level and program-level learning assessments)


The release of any institutional data for disclosure on any publicly accessible platform or for publication in any format must be authorized in advance by the Executive Dean/Menaheles.


Public information must not pose any significant harm to the institution and must not contain any regulated or confidential information. Should any internal, confidential, or regulated data or information be discovered to have been made available to the general public, such data or information should be immediately reported to the Executive Dean/Menaheles and promptly removed by the current institutional webmaster.


Diversity Statement

Consonant with the institutional mission, the WITS student body is composed of a community of women learners committed to the Orthodox Jewish faith. While these commonalities form the core identity, the institution embraces individual differences and respects diversity of thought, ideologies, beliefs, and backgrounds.


WITS is committed to creating an inclusive institutional culture that embodies and demonstrates the unifying power of Torah study. This commitment is illustrated by the following guiding principles:


      - The learning experience at WITS prepares students to live and work in a diverse and global society. Academic discourse is expected to raise awareness of bias and promote practices that foster kavod ha’briyos of all persons and groups.


      - Faculty and staff create a welcoming and accepting academic experience. Hiring practices aim to reflect an intentional and inclusive work and learning environment.


      - In all interactions, WITS expects faculty, staff, and students to model behaviors and attitudes that value mutual respect, fairness, and acceptance of characteristics different from one’s self.


Drugs and Alcohol

WITS is committed to maintaining a drug-, alcohol-, and tobacco-free campus for the benefit and protection of students, faculty, and staff. All policies listed below are strictly enforced.


Standards of Conduct Regarding Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Use

  • The use of illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco on campus is strictly prohibited.


  • WITS does not tolerate any unlawful use, possession, manufacture, dispensation or distribution of illicit drugs.


  • Any student who has violated a federal drug law must notify the WITS administration within 5 days.


  • Any student who violates this policy will be held responsible, and censured severely, up to and including suspension or expulsion.


 Health Risks

The use or abuse of alcohol or controlled substances, including prescription drugs and marijuana, can present a threat to the health and safety of an individual and the school community.


Studies have shown that all illegal (and many prescription) drugs are, to some extent, physically and/or psychologically addictive. There are always risks involved when taking illegal drugs. Many drugs are potentially addictive after one dose and can kill with just the smallest amount of overdose. Drugs are unlikely to be “pure,” and there is no way of knowing what they are mixed with. This can easily lead to an accidental overdose.


Some of the many health risks from illegal drug use include liver disease, lung damage, heart attack and brain damage. Drug use can also lead to a coma and death, even after “just” one dose. Excessive use of drugs or alcohol can have immediate effects that increase the risk of many harmful health conditions, including injuries, such as motor vehicle crashes, falls, drowning, and burns.


Drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short span of time can cause alcohol poisoning, which may be dangerous or life threatening. Long term health risks from excessive alcohol consumption include high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, cancers and more.


Substance Abuse Counseling and Treatment


WITS is committed to helping students deal with issues and problems in a mature, sensible manner focusing on prevention rather than treatment. In addition, all faculty members have been trained to be sensitive to the physical and emotional well-being of the students and to assist as appropriate.


If a student needs alcohol, drug, or other addiction-related services, WITS can provide referrals for counseling or other appropriate services. If a problem is discovered, professional intervention will be required before permission is granted to return to campus.


If a student needs drug or alcohol counseling or treatment, they may contact the Executive Dean/Menaheles who will provide referrals to licensed counselors or email for confidential referrals.


These additional resources are also available:

Chayeinu Baltimore





813 Quentin Rd.
Brooklyn NY 11223-2251
Tel. 718-787-4412
Fax 718-787-4418



11 Broadway, Suite 1076, New York, NY 10004





These are confidential resource centers that provide meaningful assistance, enduring support, and direct referrals for individuals and families impacted by addiction, and other crisis-related matters.

Legal Sanctions (Local, State, and Federal)


  • Local, state and federal laws are constantly changing. Every effort is made to distribute current information.


  • Being in the company of others who are using illegal drugs, even if not participating, may result in arrest.


  • State of Maryland statutes provide penalties for a person found to have acted as an organizer, supervisor, manager, or financier of a scheme distributing illegal drugs, and provide that such conduct is a first-degree crime punishable by imprisonment and fines.


  • Local ordinances may range from fines for driving with an open container of an alcoholic beverage in the car, regardless of whether the driver has consumed any alcohol, to more severe penalties.


  • Although marijuana is legal in Maryland, it is illegal under federal law. Therefore, the possession, use or distribution of marijuana on a campus that receives Title IV funding is prohibited.


Disciplinary Sanctions


As an institution firmly opposed to any drug involvement, WITS will deal severely with any student who violates the drug and alcohol policy. Students or employees who become aware of a fellow student or employee who is misusing drugs or alcohol, are expected to bring the problem to the attention of the Executive Dean/Menaheles immediately. Any student or employee who fails to do so will be held responsible and will be censured.


  • First Offense – Students


A student who is reported to have misused drugs or alcohol will be called to the Office of the Executive Dean/Menaheles. The Executive Dean/Menaheles will interview any witnesses and make a determination of the student’s culpability. If found at fault, the student will receive a reprimand and the offense will be noted in the permanent record.


At the discretion of the Executive Dean/Menaheles, the student will be suspended.


If the Executive Dean/Menaheles is fully satisfied that this was a unique occurrence and that the student is sincerely regretful and can be trusted to refrain from any future involvement with drugs or alcohol, the student may be allowed to return to campus.


The student will be clearly warned that any repeat of the offense will result in immediate suspension pending investigation and ultimately expulsion.


  • Second Offense – Students

Any student who is guilty of a second offense as determined by investigation by a faculty board of inquiry will immediately be expelled from the institution. Reinstatement may be considered only after a prolonged period of professional counseling and compliance testing and at the discretion of the Executive Dean/Menaheles.


There is no due process involved, and no appeal will be accepted. Attendance at WITS is a privilege, not a right, and may be withdrawn without notice if the student is deemed a threat to the moral and/or physical integrity of the student body.


  • First Offense – Employees


In general, no job applicant who has been convicted of a drug-related offense will be hired as an employee of WITS, although extenuating circumstances may be considered. Any employee who has concealed a past drug-related conviction will be terminated without notice if such offense is discovered. Any employee who is observed to be misusing drugs or engaging in the unlawful possession or sale of drugs will immediately be terminated and referred to appropriate law enforcement officials.

Substance Abuse Counseling and Treatment


WITS is committed to helping students deal with issues and problems in a mature, sensible manner focusing on prevention rather than treatment. In addition, all faculty members have been trained to be sensitive to the physical and emotional well-being of the students and to assist as appropriate.


If a student needs alcohol, drug, or other addiction-related services, WITS can provide referrals for counseling or other appropriate services. If a problem is discovered, professional intervention will be required before permission is granted to return to campus.


If a student needs drug or alcohol counseling or treatment, they may contact the Executive Dean/Menaheles who will provide referrals to licensed counselors or email for confidential referrals.


These additional resources are also available:

Chayeinu Baltimore





813 Quentin Rd.
Brooklyn NY 11223-2251
Tel. 718-787-4412
Fax 718-787-4418



11 Broadway, Suite 1076, New York, NY 10004





These are confidential resource centers that provide meaningful assistance, enduring support, and direct referrals for individuals and families impacted by addiction, and other crisis-related matters.

Non Discrimination
Student Code

Firearms and Weapons

No firearms or ammunition are permitted on campus or in outdoor areas of the campus or in conjunction with any WITS-sponsored activity.


For the purpose of this policy, BB guns, illegal knives, blowguns, swords, slingshots, bows and arrows, crossbows, and similar devices are considered dangerous weapons, and their possession and use are prohibited. Explosives of any type, including fireworks, firecrackers, cherry bombs, bottle rockets, and similar devices are prohibited at all times. Items such as airsoft guns, paint guns, paintballs, darts, knives, mace, pepper spray, or other realistic toys or replicas used inappropriately, or in contexts for which they are not intended, will be treated as dangerous weapons.


All firearms, explosives, and dangerous weapons will be confiscated. The only exception to this policy is the legal possession of firearms or weapons by law enforcement or security officers in the course of their duty.

Maintenance of Matriculation

All students must register each semester to be in continuous attendance at WITS. Students in good standing who are not registering for classes in a specific semester, regardless of the reason, must submit a Maintenance of Matriculation form to maintain matriculation status for that semester. The Maintenance of Matriculation form can be found on the WITS website under current students. Students must notify their academic advisor and the registrar of their intent to maintain matriculation prior to the last day of add/drop for a given semester. Maintenance of matriculation is not required for the summer semester unless the students are obtaining their degrees in that semester. Students must be either registered or on maintenance of matriculation in the semester they obtain their degree. There is a fee of $25 per semester for maintaining matriculation.


Students are permitted to maintain matriculation for a maximum of six semesters, as long as all degree requirements are completed within six calendar years of matriculation (first term of entry). Any student who does not register either for regularly scheduled classes or for maintaining matriculation will be withdrawn from the program.


WITS prohibits discrimination in educational policies, employment, campus services, and activities on the basis of age, color, creed, disability, gender identity, national/ethnic origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran/uniform status, and all other classifications protected by law.


With respect to admission, WITS admits qualified women of the Orthodox Jewish faith without regard to age, color, creed, disability, national/ethnic origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran/uniform status.


A complaint concerning discrimination is to be submitted to:


Office for Civil Rights

Philadelphia Office US Department of Education

100 Penn Square East, Suite 515

Philadelphia, PA 19107-3323

Telephone: 215-656-8541


Individuals seeking to file a discrimination-based complaint must submit a written complaint as noted in the policy.

Recruitment Incentive



WITS does not participate in recruiter compensation/incentive programs. The institution does not compensate any employee involved in student recruitment on the basis of a commission, commission draw, bonus, quota, or similar method of payment.

Student Code of Conduct

.WITS is committed to the creation and maintenance of a learning environment that fosters the intellectual, personal, social, and ethical development of students. In addition to meeting academic challenges, students are expected to develop maturity, self-sufficiency, responsibility, and respect for others.


Enrollment at WITS is construed as acceptance of the policies of the institution and agreement of a student to abide by high standards of personal conduct, which include the following:


  • Model Orthodox Jewish Values and Culture – Students are expected to demonstrate derech eretz (respect) for the Orthodox faith and teachings through behavior, interactions, dialogue, and dress.


  • Respect Others – Students are expected to treat others with courtesy, respect, and dignity, and exhibit tolerance and openness for diverse opinions and perspectives.


  • Model Academic Honesty – Students are expected to fulfill their academic obligations through honest and independent effort.


  • Refrain from Disruptive Behavior – Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner than ensures an environment conducive to learning and collaboration and which does not infringe on the rights of others.


  • Maintain Safety and Well-being of Self and Others – Students are expected to refrain from behavior that intentionally or recklessly endangers, threatens, or causes physical or emotional harm to any person.


  • Avoid Possession of Alcohol, Tobacco, Illegal Substances, and Weapons – Students are expected to adhere to policies and laws that prohibit the possession, consumption, and/or distribution of alcohol, tobacco, illegal substances, and weapons.


  • Respect Institutional Property – Students are expected to demonstrate respect for institutional property and use institutional technology in an appropriate and ethical manner.


  • Comply with Local, State, or Federal Laws, or Other Rules and Policies – Students are expected to comply with all institutional rules, regulations, and policies, as well as local, state, or federal law or rule.


The Student Code of Conduct applies to conduct and behavior that occurs on campus premises, as well as conduct and behavior that occurs in the following contexts:


  • Via electronic means, including within online classes, via phone/texting, and on social media;

  • At designated learning sites, including internships, clinical placements, and field trips;

  • At WITS-sponsored events, such as community service trips; and

  • While utilizing institutional computing or network services.


WITS reserves the right to take any necessary and appropriate steps to protect the safety and well-being of students, faculty, and staff. Any member of the WITS community may submit a report regarding inappropriate or concerning student behavior following the Student Grievance Procedure. Any student found to be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct will be subject to disciplinary sanctions.


Disciplinary Consequences


Serious violations of misconduct or patterns of behavior contradictory to the Student Code of Conduct and institutional mission will be submitted to the Conduct Board for review. The Conduct Board is comprised of four individuals (the Executive Dean/Menaheles (chair), one additional member of the Senior Leadership Team and two faculty). The Conduct Board is charged with addressing matters of student misconduct and determining disciplinary action, where warranted. In determining any disciplinary action, the Conduct Board may consider actions up to and including expulsion.


Due Process


Students have the right of due process and may appeal a decision of the Conduct Board. To appeal a decision, a student must submit a written request to the Executive Dean/Menaheles for an appeal hearing with the Conduct Board. The request must be submitted within seven business days of receipt of the decision letter. The Executive Dean/Menaheles will schedule the appeal hearing within seven business days after receiving the written request. The appeal hearing will be held with the Executive Dean/Menaheles, the Ombudsman, and the student. Any decision stemming from the appeal hearing will be final.

Student Leave of Absence

Under certain specialized circumstances, a student may be granted an approved leave of absence. In order to be granted a leave of absence, a student must follow the following procedures.


A student must request the leave of absence in writing to the Executive Dean/Menaheles. The request must be signed and dated and must include the reason for which the student is requesting a leave of absence. A leave of absence will not be granted if the reason for the request is not included. The Executive Dean/Menaheles will review the request for a leave of absence within 10 days of submission. If approved, the request will be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar and the decision will be placed in the official academic record. Notification will be sent to the Office of Financial Aid.


A student must submit the request for a leave of absence and must receive the approval prior to beginning the leave of absence. The exception would be for unusual circumstances when it is impossible for the student to do so, i.e. if the student was in an accident or other experienced an unforeseen emergency/disaster.


A student will only be granted a leave of absence if it can be expected that she will return from the leave of absence on time. If it appears that the student may not return after the leave of absence, an approval will not be granted.


The maximum time for an approved leave of absence is 180 days.


A student on an approved leave of absence will not be considered withdrawn from the institution and no refund calculations will be made for Title IV financial aid received. A student who fails to return to school after an approved leave of absence will be considered withdrawn from the institution as of the date of the start of the leave of absence and refunds will be calculated accordingly.

Technology Acceptable Usage

WITS provides students, faculty, and staff with technological resources for the purposes of teaching, research, educational, and administrative support. Access to such resources, including computers, software, printers, email, and network access, is considered a privilege and the responsibility for proper and ethical use lies with individual users.


Upon accessing or using any WITS-owned technological resource, an individual agrees to comply with the following acceptable use guidelines:


      a. WITS-owned computers or personally-owned computers connected to the WITS network may not be used to violate others’ right to privacy. WITS specifically prohibits reading or attempting to read another person’s email, accessing another person’s files, accessing electronic records containing information concerning another person, using another person’s email account, and using another person’s password.


      b. Users of WITS-owned computers may not participate in technology-based unethical or illegal activities, including, but not limited to, the following:


      − Privacy violation;

      − Copyright violation;

      − Harassment or intimidation;

      − Fraud or misrepresentation;

      − Theft, including theft of data;

      − Creation, possession, distribution, or accessing of provocative or offensive material; and

      − Creation or dissemination of electronic content or communication that promotes hate, violence, or defames/demeans on the basis of age, disability, gender, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other basis protected by law.


      c. WITS-owned computers may not be used to store personal files, videos, music, software, documents, or photographs.


      d. Users may not interfere with or alter the integrity of WITS-owned equipment or software.


      e. Users must adhere to any WITS-acquired licensing agreements and avoid illegal duplication of any WITS-owned software.


      f. Users are expected to observe basic technology courtesies, including, but not limited to, refraining from excessive use of paper, refraining from using WITS-owned computers for personal monetary gain, and being considerate and fair in use of all resources.


      g. All WITS-assigned email accounts are the property of WITS. Email is intended to be used in a manner consistent with the standards of academic integrity and ethical business conduct. WITS reserves the right to assign, monitor, and revoke email privileges at any time.


The guidelines prescribed in this policy are not intended to be all-inclusive. Any behavior that is considered an unethical use of technological resources or deemed contrary to the institutional mission will be subject to disciplinary action and financial reimbursement of any damages. Any information or observations regarding the misuse of WITS-owned technological resources should be immediately reported to the Executive Dean/Menaheles.

Transfer of Credit

Courses taken at another higher education institution may be approved and accepted for transfer credit toward a degree or certification at WITS. Transfer credits are not included in the calculation of grade point average. However, credits accepted in transfer are counted toward the number of credits attempted and earned by a student.


WITS will accept up to 30 credits from Shana Alef (first year) seminary programs and up to 21 credits from Shana Bet (second year) seminary programs.


Official transcripts from each institution where college-level courses were taken must be submitted. Course descriptions and/or syllabi are also required. Courses earning a grade of “C” and higher are transferable. Courses taken over five years ago may expire and may not be applied to the degree, if the course content is out-of-date, as determined by the Academic Dean.


WITS accepts credit from the following:


− Regionally accredited institutions

− AIJS accredited institutions

− Courses taken at nationally accredited institutions on a case-by-case basis. WITS does not accept tests for credit from nationally accredited institutions

− Coursework approved by American Council on Education (ACE) on a case-by-case basis

− Coursework approved by National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) on a case-by-case basis. WITS does not accept tests for credit from NCCRS

− Foreign credit evaluations that have been evaluated by a service, such as WES, ECE, AACRO, SILNY

− Select post-secondary Jewish studies seminaries

− Credit by exam

       • Advanced Placement (AP) – Minimum score of 4 is required

       • College Level Examination Program (CLEP) – May earn up to 12 credits; May be combined with foreign language exams and/or Connecticut Credit Assessment Program (CCAP) credits for a cap of 30 credits; CLEP credit may not be accepted for courses in the major or minor; CLEP credit may not be granted for courses offered that semester

       • New York University (NYU) Foreign Language Exam

       • CompTIA certifications for credit


WITS pledges that the institution does not provide false, erroneous, or misleading statements concerning the institution or nature of programs and services, including: types of courses offered; nature and extent of accreditation; transfer credit policy; whether successful completion of a course qualifies a student for acceptance into a labor union or to receive a local, state, or federal license, or a nongovernmental certification required as a prerequisite for employment, or to perform certain functions in the conditions that the institution recognizes are generally necessary to secure employment in a recognized occupation for which the program is represented to prepare students; requirements for completing a course of study or program; conditions that would constitute grounds for termination of student enrollment; whether courses are endorsed by governmental officials or others; size, location, facilities, or equipment of the facility; availability of courses; number, accessibility, and qualifications of the faculty or other personnel; nature of prerequisites for enrollment in any course; any facts related to the degree, diploma, or certification that a student may be awarded at the end of a course of study; and whether a degree that the institution provides is authorized by the appropriate state educational agency.


WITS assures that information regarding the nature of financial charges that is provided to students is correct. This includes information such as: offers of scholarships for courses; cost of a program; refund policy; availability and nature of any financial assistance offered; a student’s responsibility to repay any loans; and a student’s right to reject any type of financial aid.


WITS further assures that all information regarding employability of graduates is true. This includes information about whether the institution is connected with any organization that is providing training leading directly to employment and whether employment is being offered by the institution.

Emergency Procedures, Safety and Security

In the event of a fire or other emergency, the fire alarm will sound throughout the building. If this alarm sounds or there is a verbal warning, all individuals must evacuate the building immediately and observe the following procedures:


− Walk steadily. Do not run.

− Leave the building as directed or as designated in the emergency exit plan that is posted around the building.

− Close all doors as rooms are evacuated.

− Report to the designated evacuation areas.

− Remain in the designated evacuation areas until there is an all-clear signal or report.


Testing of the alarm system and practice drills are periodically performed to assure compliance with safety regulations.


All emergency contact information is as follows:


In a medical emergency:

− Call Hatzalah at 410-358-0000 or call 911

− Notify the WITS main office in person or call 410-358-3144


If someone is the victim of a crime or abuse:

− Call 911

− Call the Executive Dean/Menaheles and/or Chana helpline at 410-234-0023


If someone sees something suspicious or criminal on campus:

− Call 911

− Call Shomrim at 410-358-9999

− Notify the WITS main office in person or call 410-358-3144

If someone is in need of counseling:

− Contact the Executive Dean/Menaheles who will provide referrals to licensed counselors or email for confidential referrals


If the WITS main office is closed or in cases of all other emergencies:

− Call Rebbetzin Rosenbaum at 443-955-1463

− Call Dr. Klein at 347-262-8000

− Call Mrs. Glazer at 443-844-7709

− Call Mrs. Esti Taragin at 410-258-9928

Notice of Non-Discrimination - Title IX
Title IX

The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 contains numerous federal reporting and disclosure requirements for information from various administrative areas of higher education institutions, including financial aid and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary and College (WITS) emails the FERPA policy to each student. A paper copy is available upon request. To make this information readily available, WITS has created this webpage, which is designed to provide quick access to important data, policies and disclosures. Additional information can be found in the Academic Catalog, Student Handbook and Financial Aid Handbook. For more information, contact the Office of Administrative Affairs or the Office of Financial Aid. Both offices can be reached during normal business hours.

General Institutional Information

​Tuition and Financial Assistance




Health and Safety

WITS is dedicated to keeping our campus as safe as possible. It is with the adherence of the following guidelines that staff, faculty and students will, BE”H, be able to work together to accomplish this goal. WITS continues to monitor COVID-19 statistics and seeks guidance from medical experts to adjust the WITS safety guidelines as necessary.



Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary & College's (WITS) annual Clery Act report can be accessed HERE.
A printed report may also be obtained from the office upon request.


WITS publishes an annual security report as required by the Clery Act. The report contains statistics for the previous three calendar years on specific Clery crimes that were reported to have occurred on campus and on public property within or immediately adjacent to campus. The report also contains information on campus security and safety, including crime prevention, crime reporting policies, drug and alcohol policies, and other topics regarding safety and security on campus.

Academic Regulations ad Policies

Academic Regulations and Policies

Definition of Credit Hour

WITS offers courses over 15-week spring and fall semesters and two overlapping 8-week summer semesters (Summer Session I and Summer Session II). A student who enrolls in a minimum of 12 credits per a fall or spring semester is considered a full-time student. For the summer semester, full-time status is determined by adding the total number of credits taken in Summer Session I and Summer Session II. A student who enrolls in a minimum of 12 credits per summer semester is considered a full-time student.


WITS defines one credit hour as an amount of work that approximates the following:


  1. Not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and two hours of out-of-class student work per week for 15 weeks or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or

  2. At least an equivalent amount of work (as required in paragraph 1) in courses and academic activities where direct instruction is not the primary mode of learning, such as laboratory work, independent study, distance learning, internships, practica, or other academic work leading to the award of credit.

Incomplete Grades

If a student has not completed all required course work but has completed at least 50%, the student may request an incomplete in the course. Granting an incomplete is at the discretion of the faculty member and the Executive Dean/Menaheles (kodesh courses) or the Academic Dean (general studies courses). The course grade is marked as incomplete. A course in which a student receives a grade of incomplete is not included in the GPA as long as the Incomplete remains on the transcript. A course marked incomplete is included in the student’s number of credits attempted but not credits completed.


Changes of grade or adjustments to incomplete grades after the conclusion of the semester for contracted courses are in accordance with the policies of the contracting institution.


If granted an incomplete, a student will have until that semester’s deadline to complete their missing coursework. Beyond that point, a student must petition in writing to the Executive Dean/Menaheles (kodesh courses) or the Academic Dean (general studies courses) for a further extension. Faculty are not authorized to grant individual extensions beyond the deadline. If no written request is submitted by the deadline, a student who has not completed the required coursework will receive a grade of zero for the missing coursework. The deadline for Fall Semester courses is May 15. The deadline for Spring and Summer semester courses is December 1.


Withdrawn Courses

Courses that a student withdraws from before the first drop deadline will not appear on the student’s transcript and will not be included in the number of credits attempted. From that point until the second drop deadline, a student dropping a course will receive a grade of W (Withdrawal) for the course and the credits will be included in the number of credits attempted. After the second drop deadline, the student must complete the course or receive a grade of F (Failure). While a W (Withdrawal) does not factor into the GPA, an F (Failure) does. Dropping a course due to health reasons requires documentation from a medical professional and approval from the Executive Dean/Menaheles (kodesh courses) or the Academic Dean (general studies courses). There are no academic or financial penalties. All drop deadlines are noted on the Academic Calendar.

Transfer Credits

Transfer credits are not included in the calculation of the grade point average. However, the credits accepted are counted toward the number of credits attempted and earned by the student.


Appeals Process and Mitigating Circumstances

A student who wishes to appeal a determination of probationary status, lack of Satisfactory Academic Progress, or similar issues must submit an appeal in writing to the Menaheles. The Menaheles will consider all relevant information, i.e., mitigating circumstances such as illness or death in the immediate family or other unusual situations. The student must also explain how her situation has changed to allow her to make satisfactory academic progress. The Menaheles will consult with faculty members as appropriate. The Menaheles’s decision will be conveyed to the student in writing within ten days of receipt of the student’s written appeal.


Repeating Courses

A student who wishes to raise the grade of a specific course may repeat the same course. Both courses and grades will appear on all official transcripts. However, credit is only earned once. The lower grade will not be calculated as part of the semester grade point average nor the overall grade point average.


All repeated courses are counted in the number of the student’s attempted credits. For determination of a student’s enrollment status, if a student is repeating a course in which she received a passing grade, for the purpose of grade improvement, it is counted towards her enrollment status only the first time the course is retaken. If a student is repeating a course in which she received a failing grade, it is counted towards her enrollment status for as many times as she is repeating that course in an attempt to pass.


A student repeating a course must remain within the time frame required for satisfactory academic progress standards.

Class Performance

Class performance is considered in determining a student’s final grade in a course. Attendance is an integral element of course performance. The instruction and guidance offered in the classroom is the cornerstone of a student’s education. While there is no formal attendance policy at WITS, students are expected to attend all class and laboratory sessions. Faculty factor attendance into the class performance element of the final grade. Classroom participation, another aspect of class performance, is expected and encouraged in order to facilitate the integration of independently prepared assignments with the subject matter covered in the classroom. Specific grading and class performance guidelines are found in the syllabus of each course.

Students are responsible for all material, assignments or exams missed during absences. Students who anticipate prolonged absences should inform their respective faculty member(s) and the Menaheles (Kodesh courses) and/or the Academic Dean (General Studies courses).


Make-Up Exams and Late Work

WITS’ policy on missed exams and late work is designed to promote a consistent and fair procedure for administering exams, quizzes, and related forms of learning assessment.  


  • All students are expected to take exams and submit assignments as scheduled.  


  • A student requiring an extension or accommodation must receive approval from the faculty member prior to the day of the exam or assignment due date. In the case of emergency, a student should contact the faculty member at the earliest possible time. Informing the faculty demonstrates the derech eretz expected of WITS students.  


  • Students with permission to reschedule an exam should complete the Make-Up Exam Scheduling Form - Kodesh Courses or Make-Up Exam Scheduling Form – General Studies Courses. Students will receive confirmation and details via their Populi Activity Feed. All rescheduled exams must be completed in the WITS Testing Center. Faculty do not administer make-up exams and students do not submit late exams directly to faculty. There is a proctor fee of $10 for make-up exams taken within a week of the scheduled time, and $25 for exams taken after one week.   


  • There are special guidelines for final exams. Students who cannot take a final exam as scheduled, must submit a Request to Reschedule a Final Exam Form and provide explanation of extenuating circumstances. Students should not consider their request approved until they receive approval via their Populi Activity Feed. A rescheduled final exam must be taken during the designated make-up exam slot. The proctor fee for final exams is $35. Students applying to graduate school and requiring expedited transcripts must be aware that rescheduling a final exam will delay transcripts.  


  • Faculty have the right to deduct points or otherwise penalize students for missed exams and late assignments, with the exception of true medical emergencies. Any late work will have five points deducted from the grade. After one week past the due date, an additional 5 points will be deducted. For each additional week past the due date, another five points will be deducted. Faculty may have additional policies regarding late work which will appear in the course syllabus.


  • If a student arrives late to any exam without a valid excuse, the exam must be completed in the remainder of the allotted time.  


  • Students may not negotiate with faculty for a different way to make-up a missed exam, e.g. substitute a paper. 


Final Exams

Final exams are scheduled Sunday through Friday and must be taken as scheduled. Work schedules or other commitments must be adjusted to conform to the final exam schedule. Any student who fails to take a final exam as scheduled will receive a grade of zero for the exam. There are special guidelines for final exams. Students who cannot take a final exam as scheduled, must submit a Request to Reschedule a Final Exam Form and provide explanation of extenuating circumstances. Students should not consider their request approved until they receive approval via their Populi Activity Feed. A rescheduled final exam must be taken during the designated make-up exam slot. The proctor fee for final exams is $35. Students applying to graduate school and requiring expedited transcripts must be aware that rescheduling a final exam may delay transcripts.  

Student Records

The official academic records of all students, past and present, are maintained in the Office of the Registrar. The official transcript contains identifying information, a complete record of all coursework, transfer credits, academic status and any degrees or certificates granted. The transcript is retained as a permanent record of WITS.


Students are encouraged to periodically review their transcripts. Students have one semester after the completion of courses to inform WITS of any error on their transcripts.


Students may request an official WITS transcript to be sent to a designated recipient. This request must be submitted online with the required transcript fee. The link to request a transcript is available on the institutional website. Students should allow two weeks from the date of submission of the transcript request for processing. Telephone requests cannot be honored. Students may receive unofficial copies of their transcript at no charge. 


Admisson Requirements

Admission Requirements and Procedures

WITS is an academically challenging institution that seeks applicants interested in pursuing a liberal arts education with an Orthodox Jewish foundation. The educational experience at WITS focuses on the development of Jewish educators, Jewish communal leaders, and professionally accomplished Jewish women who are committed to the perpetuation of Jewish ideals and mesorah (Jewish tradition). The overarching academic Torah-based framework and extracurricular programs are designed to cultivate social awareness, build professional knowledge and career skills, and enhance spiritual growth and development.



General Admission Requirements


Acceptance to WITS demonstrates the institution’s confidence in an applicant’s readiness to maximize her personal and academic growth. Applications are accepted throughout the year and evaluated on a rolling basis. The application form is available on the institutional website.


Requirements for admission are as follows:

  • An applicant must demonstrate commitment to Orthodox Jewish lifestyle and practices.

  • An applicant must be a high school graduate and provide evidence of high school graduation or equivalent. Recognized equivalents of high school graduation are as follows:

    • Successful completion General Educational Development (GED); or

    • Successful completion of an associate degree; or

    • Successful completion of at least 60 semester or trimester credits or 72 quarter credits that does not result in the awarding of an associate degree, but that is acceptable for full credit toward a baccalaureate degree at any institution; or

    • Enrollment in a baccalaureate degree program where at least 60 semester or trimester credits or 72 quarter credits have been successfully completed, including credits transferred into a baccalaureate degree program; or

    • Completion of a homeschooling program as per the requirements of the state of residence.

  • An applicant must have extensive knowledge of the Hebrew language.

  • An applicant must demonstrate the potential for academic success in college-level coursework in Jewish studies and general studies.

  • An applicant may be required to schedule a personal interview with the Executive Dean/Menaheles.

Verification of High School Graduation Documentation

Completion of a legitimate high school program is a pre-requisite for admission as a regular student to WITS and for eligibility for federal financial aid.

To comply with these requirements Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary and College staff review the students’ high school documentation on file (generally a transcript or diploma) to determine its legitimacy.


The review checks if the information is complete and clearly documents high school graduation from a legitimate high school. Specific focus is placed on the name and address of the high school to ensure that the entity issuing the documentation is not a bogus institution or an entity that charges a fee for the issuance of the diploma while requiring the student to perform little or no work.


Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary and College utilizes the following procedure to verify the high school information:


  1. Is the high school well known to Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary and College staff as a legitimate institution? (Faculty and staff are familiar with the majority of high schools that students who apply to Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary and College have attended). If yes, high school is verified and so documented on a student checklist.

  2. If the high school is unfamiliar, the name of the high school is checked against established and reliable national high school directories to see if school is listed. If yes, high school is verified and so documented on a student checklist.

  3. If the high school does not appear in any established national directories, the high school is contacted directly and information about the school‘s high school curriculum, programs, faculty, officials and graduation requirements is gathered. A professional and informed determination is then made as to whether the high school information received appears legitimate and consistent with generally acceptable high school standards. If yes, the school is verified and so documented on a student checklist.

  4. If the high school cannot meet any of the criteria listed above, the high school is not verified and cannot be used to satisfy the requirement of successful high school completion.

Application procedures and other requirements are dependent upon the selected enrollment status according to the following:

Degree-Seeking Students


Degree-seeking students may apply for admission as follows:


  • Submit an online application, which includes the following:

    • $150 non-refundable application fee

    • Recent photograph

    • Personal statement

  • Submit two letters of reference

  • Provide official high school transcript (with degree date) or equivalent

  • Provide official transcripts from seminary and study abroad programs, if applicable

  • Provide official transcripts from all previously attended colleges/universities, if applicable

  • Provide official SAT Score Report (Code 5491) and/or ACT Score Report (Code 7796) or request a waiver


High school graduates attending a college-level seminary program during their freshman year may earn up to 30 credits as part of the Israel Study Abroad Program (ISAP).


Requirements for participation in ISAP are as follows:

  • Acceptance as a WITS student; and

  • Acceptance to a WITS-approved seminary program; and

  • Commitment to attend WITS following completion of the first year of the WITS-approved seminary program



Certificate-Seeking Students


Certificate-seeking students may apply for admission as follows:


  • Submit an online application, which includes the following:

    • Recent photograph

    • Personal statement

  • Submit two letters of reference

  • Provide official transcript documenting highest degree earned (high school or college)



Non-Degree Seeking Students (Non-Matriculating Student)


Applicants seeking to enroll in coursework without earning a degree may apply for admission as follows:

  • Submit an online application, which includes the following:

    • Recent photograph

    • Submit names of two references



International Applicants


WITS welcomes international applicants. International applicants should begin the admission process at least six months in advance of the intended semester of enrollment. In addition to the general admissions requirements for all students, international students requiring I-20 or IAP-66 forms for student visas must also submit the following:

  • Proof of English proficiency; and

  • Written documentation showing sufficient financial support and resources to cover educational, living, and miscellaneous expenses.


Student Health Insurance


WITS does not provide health insurance or medical care. Costs of health insurance and medical expenses are the sole responsibility of each student. Upon acceptance, all students must provide proof of health insurance.


Availability of GED Program

Students who wish to be admitted to WITS, but do not possess a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent may access GED Program information through


CARES Act and HEERF Grant Reporting

Contitution Day

September 17

In commemoration of the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787, and in fulfillment of federal requirements to have an educational program on Constitution Day our institution presents the following information to students for their awareness and discussion:



The U.S. Constitution contains the fundamental principles of the U.S. Government. It was written by a convention of delegates from various states and was based upon numerous debates and discussions between them. The delegates met in Independence Hall in Philadelphia between May 1787 and September 1787. The original intention of the convention of delegates was to revise the existing principles of government known as the “Articles of Confederation”. However, after much discussion it was decided to write a new set of principles of government.



The Constitution sets out the democratic form of government that we have today. It invests the Congress of the United States, which is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives with legislative power such as the power to make laws, collect taxes, declare war, establish a system of currency etc. It states that each state, regardless of size, will have two members in the Senate, but in the House of Representatives, the number of representatives from each state will be based upon the population of each state. It also sets forth qualifications for members of the Senate and the House of Representatives i.e. to be a senator a person must be at least 30 years old and must have been a citizen of the United States for at least 9 years and must reside in that state.

The Constitution invests the President of the United States with executive power such as the power to nominate and appoint (with the advice and consent of the Senate) Judges of the Supreme Court, Ambassadors, Consuls and Officers, to grant pardons, to ensure that laws are executed faithfully etc. It states that the president shall be the Commander in Chief of the United States Army and Navy. The Constitution discusses how the president is elected and sets forth necessary qualifications for presidency i.e. to be elected as President a person must be at least thirty- five years old.


The Constitution invests the Supreme Court and other courts that congress establishes with judicial power. It states that trial of all crimes shall be by jury and shall be held in the state where the crime was committed.


These principles of government form the three branches of our government. They are: the Legislative Branch, the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch.



The Constitution has an important provision for addition to or change of its sections. Additions or changes are known as amendments. The Constitution states that an amendment may be proposed to the Constitution when at least two thirds of each part of Congress (the Senate and the House of Representatives) votes to propose the amendment. A proposed amendment can only be ratified (approved) when at least three quarters of each part of Congress approves.




The first ten amendments to the Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights. In 1789 these amendments were proposed in order to safeguard the rights of the citizens of the United States.


The First Amendment protects freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, and the right of the people to assemble peacefully and petition the government. This amendment is particularly relevant to us, as Jews. This amendment guarantees that we will always be able to practice our religion freely.


The Second Amendment protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms.


The Third Amendment states that no soldier shall be in quartered in any house without consent of the owner.


The Fourth Amendment protects the people from unreasonable searches and seizures and states that search warrants can only be issued when there is probable cause.


The Fifth Amendment states that no person can be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. It also states that no person shall be forced to be a witness against himself in any criminal case nor shall any person be held to answer for a capital or infamous crime without indictment of a grand jury. This amendment protects the right of a person to remain silent.


The Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Amendments grant people rights pertaining to court trials i.e. the right to a speedy trial by an impartial jury, the right to have a lawyer, a guarantee that excessive bail will not be charged and that cruel and unusual punishments will not be inflicted.


The Ninth Amendment states that the rights of the people are not limited to the rights listed in the Constitution.


The Tenth Amendment states that powers not delegated to the United States government will be retained by the states or by the people.


Additional Resources:


Copyright Infringement Policy

Copyright infringement is defined as the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17of the United States Code). Examples of copyright infringement include, but are not limited to, the following:


A. Downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement; and/or

B. Scanning or copying pages of text without permission of the copyright owner.


Disciplinary sanctions and the full Academic Honesty Policy are detailed in the Academic Catalog and the Student Handbook.

Student Achievement

Evaluations and Grade Values



The grade point average (GPA) is calculated by (1) multiplying the credits by the grade value which determines quality points, (2) adding the total number of quality points; (3) adding the total number of credits; (4) dividing the quality points by the quality hours.

All courses given at WITS require a grade of D to earn credit.

Although no credit is given for failing grades, all grades, except for pass (P), withdraw (W), and incomplete (I) are recorded and calculated as part of the GPA. Transfer courses are not calculated in the GPA.



Academic Honors​

Full-time students earning a grade point average of A 3.5 and higher are included on the Dean’s List for that semester. This designation is noted on the transcript for each semester earned.


Upon degree conferral, the following Latin designations will be noted on the final transcript and on the diploma:


Cum Laude (With Honor) – Cumulative GPA 3.5 –3.69

Magna Cum Laude (With High Honor) – Cumulative GPA 3.7 –3.89

Summa Cum Laude (With Highest Honor) – Cumulative GPA 3.9 and higher


Student Achievement

Graduation and retention as of Nov 2023-1.png
Strategic Goals

Strategic Goals

To continue institutional success, WITS recognizes the need to articulate long-term strategic goals to guide the institution into the future. The strategic goals 2020-2025 are as follows:


  • Academic Excellence and Student Success - WITS will sustain an academically-rigorous and student-centered learning environment that advances knowledge of Orthodox Jewish culture and which is informed by reliable assessment of effectiveness.


  • Fiscal Sustainability and Resources - WITS will build a financial foundation that strengthens and sustains institutional vitality through diverse sources of revenue.


  • Reputation and Influence - WITS will grow in awareness and reputation as a respected provider of quality undergraduate education for Orthodox Jewish women.                  


  • Collaboration and Relationships - WITS will strengthen the sense of community through improved connections with stakeholders.


Student Counseling

Students who desire personal or mental health counseling should contact the Menaheles for referrals to licensed counselors or email confidential referrals. A local rabbinic authority, Rabbi Heber, Rav, Khal Ahavas Yisroel Tzemach Tzedek and WITS faculty member, is also available to meet with students by appointment to answer halachic questions and offer personal guidance. To schedule an appointment, students should contact Rabbi Heber by phone (443-610-7535) or email (


Faculty members are also available to provide guidance in personal growth areas. Discussions between faculty members and students are confidential.

Verification of HS

Verification of High School Documentation

Completion of a legitimate high school program is a prerequisite for admission as a regular student to WITS and for eligibility for federal financial aid.


To comply with these requirements WITS staff review the students’ high school documentation on file (generally a transcript or diploma) to determine its legitimacy. Students who were homeschooled must provide documentation of completion of a homeschooling program as per the requirements of the state in which they reside.


The reviewer checks if the information is complete and clearly documents high school graduation from a legitimate high school. Specific focus is placed on the name and address of the high school to ensure that the entity issuing the documentation is not a bogus institution or an entity that charges a fee for the issuance of the diploma while requiring the student to perform little or no work.

WITS utilizes the following procedure to verify the high school information:


  • Is the high school well known to WITS staff as a legitimate institution? (Faculty and staff are familiar with the majority of high schools that students who apply to WITS have attended). If yes, high school is verified and so documented on a student checklist.

  • If the high school is unfamiliar, the name of the high school is checked against established and reliable national high school directories to see if school is listed. If it is, the high school is verified and so documented on a student checklist.

  • If the high school does not appear in any established national directories, the high school is contacted directly and information about the school‘s high school curriculum, programs, faculty, officials and graduation requirements is gathered. A professional and informed determination is then made as to whether the high school information received appears legitimate and consistent with generally acceptable high school standards. If it is, the high school is verified and so documented on a student checklist.

  • If the high school does not meet any of the criteria listed above, the high school is not verified and cannot be used to satisfy the requirement of successful high school completion.


Recognized equivalents of high school graduation include the following: 


  • GED

  • Successful completion of an associate’s degree program

  • Successful completion of at least 60 semester or trimester credit hours or 72 quarter credit hours that does not result in the awarding of an associate’s degree, but that is acceptable for full credit toward a bachelor’s degree at any institution

  • Enrollment in a bachelor’s degree program where at least 60 semester or trimester credit hours or 72 quarter credit hours have been successfully completed, including credit hours transferred into the bachelor’s degree program. 


Federal Verification Procedures 2023-2024

To be distributed to students selected for federal verification

Your Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) has been selected for federal verification. This means that you must provide additional information to the Director of Financial Aid in order for us to continue processing any federal financial aid for you. You must submit the required information in a timely manner. Failure to provide this information will make it impossible for you to receive federal financial aid. Please read the following procedures very carefully. Please feel free to contact the Director of Financial Aid, if you have any questions.

  1. Read the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR)

  2. Complete the enclosed verification worksheet and submit all documentation requested.

  3. If the verification worksheet requires income verification, you must obtain an IRS Tax Return Transcript for any returns filed by yourself and/or your parents. (If you filed your FAFSA using FAFSA on the Web and you used the IRS Data Retrieval tool you may not need to provide the IRS Tax Return Transcript).

  4. If your ISIR was flagged with Verification Tracking Group V4 or V5, you must attach documentation of high school completion or the equivalent. Additionally, you must appear in person with your government issued photo ID, at Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary & College to complete Section F: Documentation of Identity/Statement of Educational Purpose.

  5. You will be notified if additional documentation is required.


After all documentation is received, the financial aid office will review it. If there is any inconsistent information, you will be notified by the financial aid office via telephone or email to explain the inconsistency and/or resolve it with further documentation.  


If, based on information you provide, it becomes necessary to make corrections to your ISIR (Institutional Student Information Report) the corrections can be made to your FAFSA online.   Corrections must be submitted by September 14, 2024.  All verification documentation must be in by September 21, 2024 at the latest, or 120 days from the last date of your attendance, whichever is earlier. We urge you to complete and submit all verification paperwork as soon as possible. If you provide the required verification documentation before the verification deadline, but after September 14, 2024 and a correction is needed, you will not be able to receive your awards.

If while reviewing your ISIR you notice any incorrect information please contact the Director of Financial Aid, for guidance. You will be asked to correct the information either online on your FAFSA, or on the ISIR itself where you will need to sign next to the corrected information. One of your parents may have to sign as well if you are a dependent student.


FSA Credit Balance Procedures

Procedures for handling credit balances of students at WITS are as follows:


When Title IV awards that are credited to a student’s tuition account exceed the student’s tuition balance, and a credit balance occurs, the amount of the credit will be disbursed to the student.


The Office of the Bursar will issue a check to the student in the amount of the credit balance. These disbursements are made within fourteen days of the date that the credit balance occurs.


Accommodating Students with Disabilities

WITS adheres to the mandates of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). WITS provides reasonable accommodation(s) for qualified students who disclose and verify disability. Students who wish to discuss reasonable accommodation(s) for verifiable disabilities are responsible for identifying themselves to the Student Services Coordinator and providing the required verification of disability documents.


To receive reasonable accommodation(s), a student is required to provide documentation from a licensed clinical professional familiar with the history and functional implications of the impairment(s). Faculty will be informed if a student in one of their classes requires accommodation(s). Only students approved through this process should receive accommodation(s).


Documentation must include all of the following information:

− Name of student (patient)

− Diagnostic statement identifying the disability

− Description of current functional limitations

− Expected progression or stability of the disability

− Recommendation for accommodations, adaptive services, assistive services, and/or support services

− Medication prescribed, including possible side effects


If the original documentation is incomplete or inadequate to determine the extent of the disability or reasonable accommodation, WITS has the discretion to require additional documentation. A diagnosis or test performed by a member of the student’s family is not acceptable documentation. Additionally, students requesting accommodations for the manifestations of multiple disabilities must provide evidence of all such conditions. All verification of disability documents, including individualized educational plans (IEPs), should be submitted to the Director of Student Services no later than the first week of the student’s first semester at WITS.



Students may add or drop courses on Populi throughout the initial registration period. After the initial registration period, a student who wishes to drop a course must complete a Drop Form available on the institutional website. Fall and spring deadlines for submitting the Drop Forms are provided on the Academic Calendar. Late registration and drop forms will be charged a $50 late fee, when applicable, as per the fee schedule. The following specific provisions apply for adding and dropping courses.


Adding Courses


- Kodesh courses may be added via a Request to Add a Kodesh Course form until the Add/Drop deadline designated on the Academic Calendar.

- General studies courses may be added on Populi until the Add/Drop deadline designated on the Academic Calendar.

- A student who joins a course late is responsible for making up all missed work. Missed classes will be considered absences.

Dropping Courses

- Kodesh courses may not be dropped after the start of a semester without written approval of the Executive Dean/Menaheles.

- Once registration is locked on Populi (Kodesh courses are locked the day before the semester starts; general studies courses are locked the day after the add/drop deadline noted on the Academic Calendar), a Request to Drop Kodesh or General Studies Course form must be submitted.

- Courses dropped before the deadline to drop without a W as designated on the Academic Calendar will not show on transcripts.

- Courses dropped before the deadline to drop without an F as designated on the Academic Calendar will show as a W on transcripts.

- After that final drop deadline designated on the Academic Calendar, a student must complete the course or receive a grade of F.

- Dropping a course due to health reasons requires documentation and must be approved by the Executive Dean/Menaheles and/or Academic Dean and will have no academic or financial penalty.

- Students who stop attending a course without following the correct procedure will receive a grade of F for the course.

For courses being completed under partnership agreements with other institutions, a student must follow the add/drop policies of the other institution, as well as complete the appropriate paperwork with the Registrar. A student may not add or drop such courses directly through the partner institution


Advanced Placement Equivalences


Disclosure Of Public Data

WITS gathers data and conducts data analyses in support of institutional planning, decision making, policy development, and student learning assessment. WITS also gathers data and conducts data analyses to comply with mandatory and voluntary reporting to internal and external constituencies.


Any data that does not contain personally identifiable information and has not been classified as protected data or sensitive data may be classified as public data. In general, public data are limited to the following:


     − Retention Rate (fall-to-fall return rate; percentage of students enrolling in consecutive fall semesters)

     − Persistence Rate (term-to-term return rate; percentage of students enrolling in consecutive semesters)

     − Graduation Rate (completion rate; percentage of students who graduate or complete a program within 100%, 150%, or 200% of normal time to program completion)

     − Student Profile Data (demographic data)

     − Student Learning Data (results of institutional-level and program-level learning assessments)


The release of any institutional data for disclosure on any publicly accessible platform or for publication in any format must be authorized in advance by the Executive Dean/Menaheles.


Public information must not pose any significant harm to the institution and must not contain any regulated or confidential information. Should any internal, confidential, or regulated data or information be discovered to have been made available to the general public, such data or information should be immediately reported to the Executive Dean/Menaheles and promptly removed by the current institutional webmaster.


Diversity Statement

Consonant with the institutional mission, the WITS student body is composed of a community of women learners committed to the Orthodox Jewish faith. While these commonalities form the core identity, the institution embraces individual differences and respects diversity of thought, ideologies, beliefs, and backgrounds.


WITS is committed to creating an inclusive institutional culture that embodies and demonstrates the unifying power of Torah study. This commitment is illustrated by the following guiding principles:


      - The learning experience at WITS prepares students to live and work in a diverse and global society. Academic discourse is expected to raise awareness of bias and promote practices that foster kavod ha’briyos of all persons and groups.


      - Faculty and staff create a welcoming and accepting academic experience. Hiring practices aim to reflect an intentional and inclusive work and learning environment.


      - In all interactions, WITS expects faculty, staff, and students to model behaviors and attitudes that value mutual respect, fairness, and acceptance of characteristics different from one’s self.


Drugs and Alcohol

WITS is committed to maintaining a drug-, alcohol-, and tobacco-free campus for the benefit and protection of students, faculty, and staff. All policies listed below are strictly enforced.


Standards of Conduct Regarding Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Use

  • The use of illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco on campus is strictly prohibited.


  • WITS does not tolerate any unlawful use, possession, manufacture, dispensation or distribution of illicit drugs.


  • Any student who has violated a federal drug law must notify the WITS administration within 5 days.


  • Any student who violates this policy will be held responsible, and censured severely, up to and including suspension or expulsion.


 Health Risks

The use or abuse of alcohol or controlled substances, including prescription drugs and marijuana, can present a threat to the health and safety of an individual and the school community.


Studies have shown that all illegal (and many prescription) drugs are, to some extent, physically and/or psychologically addictive. There are always risks involved when taking illegal drugs. Many drugs are potentially addictive after one dose and can kill with just the smallest amount of overdose. Drugs are unlikely to be “pure,” and there is no way of knowing what they are mixed with. This can easily lead to an accidental overdose.


Some of the many health risks from illegal drug use include liver disease, lung damage, heart attack and brain damage. Drug use can also lead to a coma and death, even after “just” one dose. Excessive use of drugs or alcohol can have immediate effects that increase the risk of many harmful health conditions, including injuries, such as motor vehicle crashes, falls, drowning, and burns.


Drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short span of time can cause alcohol poisoning, which may be dangerous or life threatening. Long term health risks from excessive alcohol consumption include high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, cancers and more.


Substance Abuse Counseling and Treatment


WITS is committed to helping students deal with issues and problems in a mature, sensible manner focusing on prevention rather than treatment. In addition, all faculty members have been trained to be sensitive to the physical and emotional well-being of the students and to assist as appropriate.


If a student needs alcohol, drug, or other addiction-related services, WITS can provide referrals for counseling or other appropriate services. If a problem is discovered, professional intervention will be required before permission is granted to return to campus.


If a student needs drug or alcohol counseling or treatment, they may contact the Executive Dean/Menaheles who will provide referrals to licensed counselors or email for confidential referrals.


These additional resources are also available:

Chayeinu Baltimore





813 Quentin Rd.
Brooklyn NY 11223-2251
Tel. 718-787-4412
Fax 718-787-4418



11 Broadway, Suite 1076, New York, NY 10004





These are confidential resource centers that provide meaningful assistance, enduring support, and direct referrals for individuals and families impacted by addiction, and other crisis-related matters.

Legal Sanctions (Local, State, and Federal)


  • Local, state and federal laws are constantly changing. Every effort is made to distribute current information.


  • Being in the company of others who are using illegal drugs, even if not participating, may result in arrest.


  • State of Maryland statutes provide penalties for a person found to have acted as an organizer, supervisor, manager, or financier of a scheme distributing illegal drugs, and provide that such conduct is a first-degree crime punishable by imprisonment and fines.


  • Local ordinances may range from fines for driving with an open container of an alcoholic beverage in the car, regardless of whether the driver has consumed any alcohol, to more severe penalties.


  • Although marijuana is legal in Maryland, it is illegal under federal law. Therefore, the possession, use or distribution of marijuana on a campus that receives Title IV funding is prohibited.


Disciplinary Sanctions


As an institution firmly opposed to any drug involvement, WITS will deal severely with any student who violates the drug and alcohol policy. Students or employees who become aware of a fellow student or employee who is misusing drugs or alcohol, are expected to bring the problem to the attention of the Executive Dean/Menaheles immediately. Any student or employee who fails to do so will be held responsible and will be censured.


  • First Offense – Students


A student who is reported to have misused drugs or alcohol will be called to the Office of the Executive Dean/Menaheles. The Executive Dean/Menaheles will interview any witnesses and make a determination of the student’s culpability. If found at fault, the student will receive a reprimand and the offense will be noted in the permanent record.


At the discretion of the Executive Dean/Menaheles, the student will be suspended.


If the Executive Dean/Menaheles is fully satisfied that this was a unique occurrence and that the student is sincerely regretful and can be trusted to refrain from any future involvement with drugs or alcohol, the student may be allowed to return to campus.


The student will be clearly warned that any repeat of the offense will result in immediate suspension pending investigation and ultimately expulsion.


  • Second Offense – Students

Any student who is guilty of a second offense as determined by investigation by a faculty board of inquiry will immediately be expelled from the institution. Reinstatement may be considered only after a prolonged period of professional counseling and compliance testing and at the discretion of the Executive Dean/Menaheles.


There is no due process involved, and no appeal will be accepted. Attendance at WITS is a privilege, not a right, and may be withdrawn without notice if the student is deemed a threat to the moral and/or physical integrity of the student body.


  • First Offense – Employees


In general, no job applicant who has been convicted of a drug-related offense will be hired as an employee of WITS, although extenuating circumstances may be considered. Any employee who has concealed a past drug-related conviction will be terminated without notice if such offense is discovered. Any employee who is observed to be misusing drugs or engaging in the unlawful possession or sale of drugs will immediately be terminated and referred to appropriate law enforcement officials.

Substance Abuse Counseling and Treatment


WITS is committed to helping students deal with issues and problems in a mature, sensible manner focusing on prevention rather than treatment. In addition, all faculty members have been trained to be sensitive to the physical and emotional well-being of the students and to assist as appropriate.


If a student needs alcohol, drug, or other addiction-related services, WITS can provide referrals for counseling or other appropriate services. If a problem is discovered, professional intervention will be required before permission is granted to return to campus.


If a student needs drug or alcohol counseling or treatment, they may contact the Executive Dean/Menaheles who will provide referrals to licensed counselors or email for confidential referrals.


These additional resources are also available:

Chayeinu Baltimore





813 Quentin Rd.
Brooklyn NY 11223-2251
Tel. 718-787-4412
Fax 718-787-4418



11 Broadway, Suite 1076, New York, NY 10004





These are confidential resource centers that provide meaningful assistance, enduring support, and direct referrals for individuals and families impacted by addiction, and other crisis-related matters.

Non Discrimination
Student Code

Firearms and Weapons

No firearms or ammunition are permitted on campus or in outdoor areas of the campus or in conjunction with any WITS-sponsored activity.


For the purpose of this policy, BB guns, illegal knives, blowguns, swords, slingshots, bows and arrows, crossbows, and similar devices are considered dangerous weapons, and their possession and use are prohibited. Explosives of any type, including fireworks, firecrackers, cherry bombs, bottle rockets, and similar devices are prohibited at all times. Items such as airsoft guns, paint guns, paintballs, darts, knives, mace, pepper spray, or other realistic toys or replicas used inappropriately, or in contexts for which they are not intended, will be treated as dangerous weapons.


All firearms, explosives, and dangerous weapons will be confiscated. The only exception to this policy is the legal possession of firearms or weapons by law enforcement or security officers in the course of their duty.

Maintenance of Matriculation

All students must register each semester to be in continuous attendance at WITS. Students in good standing who are not registering for classes in a specific semester, regardless of the reason, must submit a Maintenance of Matriculation form to maintain matriculation status for that semester. The Maintenance of Matriculation form can be found on the WITS website under current students. Students must notify their academic advisor and the registrar of their intent to maintain matriculation prior to the last day of add/drop for a given semester. Maintenance of matriculation is not required for the summer semester unless the students are obtaining their degrees in that semester. Students must be either registered or on maintenance of matriculation in the semester they obtain their degree. There is a fee of $25 per semester for maintaining matriculation.


Students are permitted to maintain matriculation for a maximum of six semesters, as long as all degree requirements are completed within six calendar years of matriculation (first term of entry). Any student who does not register either for regularly scheduled classes or for maintaining matriculation will be withdrawn from the program.


WITS prohibits discrimination in educational policies, employment, campus services, and activities on the basis of age, color, creed, disability, gender identity, national/ethnic origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran/uniform status, and all other classifications protected by law.


With respect to admission, WITS admits qualified women of the Orthodox Jewish faith without regard to age, color, creed, disability, national/ethnic origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran/uniform status.


A complaint concerning discrimination is to be submitted to:


Office for Civil Rights

Philadelphia Office US Department of Education

100 Penn Square East, Suite 515

Philadelphia, PA 19107-3323

Telephone: 215-656-8541


Individuals seeking to file a discrimination-based complaint must submit a written complaint as noted in the policy.

Recruitment Incentive



WITS does not participate in recruiter compensation/incentive programs. The institution does not compensate any employee involved in student recruitment on the basis of a commission, commission draw, bonus, quota, or similar method of payment.

Student Code of Conduct

.WITS is committed to the creation and maintenance of a learning environment that fosters the intellectual, personal, social, and ethical development of students. In addition to meeting academic challenges, students are expected to develop maturity, self-sufficiency, responsibility, and respect for others.


Enrollment at WITS is construed as acceptance of the policies of the institution and agreement of a student to abide by high standards of personal conduct, which include the following:


  • Model Orthodox Jewish Values and Culture – Students are expected to demonstrate derech eretz (respect) for the Orthodox faith and teachings through behavior, interactions, dialogue, and dress.


  • Respect Others – Students are expected to treat others with courtesy, respect, and dignity, and exhibit tolerance and openness for diverse opinions and perspectives.


  • Model Academic Honesty – Students are expected to fulfill their academic obligations through honest and independent effort.


  • Refrain from Disruptive Behavior – Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner than ensures an environment conducive to learning and collaboration and which does not infringe on the rights of others.


  • Maintain Safety and Well-being of Self and Others – Students are expected to refrain from behavior that intentionally or recklessly endangers, threatens, or causes physical or emotional harm to any person.


  • Avoid Possession of Alcohol, Tobacco, Illegal Substances, and Weapons – Students are expected to adhere to policies and laws that prohibit the possession, consumption, and/or distribution of alcohol, tobacco, illegal substances, and weapons.


  • Respect Institutional Property – Students are expected to demonstrate respect for institutional property and use institutional technology in an appropriate and ethical manner.


  • Comply with Local, State, or Federal Laws, or Other Rules and Policies – Students are expected to comply with all institutional rules, regulations, and policies, as well as local, state, or federal law or rule.


The Student Code of Conduct applies to conduct and behavior that occurs on campus premises, as well as conduct and behavior that occurs in the following contexts:


  • Via electronic means, including within online classes, via phone/texting, and on social media;

  • At designated learning sites, including internships, clinical placements, and field trips;

  • At WITS-sponsored events, such as community service trips; and

  • While utilizing institutional computing or network services.


WITS reserves the right to take any necessary and appropriate steps to protect the safety and well-being of students, faculty, and staff. Any member of the WITS community may submit a report regarding inappropriate or concerning student behavior following the Student Grievance Procedure. Any student found to be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct will be subject to disciplinary sanctions.


Disciplinary Consequences


Serious violations of misconduct or patterns of behavior contradictory to the Student Code of Conduct and institutional mission will be submitted to the Conduct Board for review. The Conduct Board is comprised of four individuals (the Executive Dean/Menaheles (chair), one additional member of the Senior Leadership Team and two faculty). The Conduct Board is charged with addressing matters of student misconduct and determining disciplinary action, where warranted. In determining any disciplinary action, the Conduct Board may consider actions up to and including expulsion.


Due Process


Students have the right of due process and may appeal a decision of the Conduct Board. To appeal a decision, a student must submit a written request to the Executive Dean/Menaheles for an appeal hearing with the Conduct Board. The request must be submitted within seven business days of receipt of the decision letter. The Executive Dean/Menaheles will schedule the appeal hearing within seven business days after receiving the written request. The appeal hearing will be held with the Executive Dean/Menaheles, the Ombudsman, and the student. Any decision stemming from the appeal hearing will be final.

Student Leave of Absence

Under certain specialized circumstances, a student may be granted an approved leave of absence. In order to be granted a leave of absence, a student must follow the following procedures.


A student must request the leave of absence in writing to the Executive Dean/Menaheles. The request must be signed and dated and must include the reason for which the student is requesting a leave of absence. A leave of absence will not be granted if the reason for the request is not included. The Executive Dean/Menaheles will review the request for a leave of absence within 10 days of submission. If approved, the request will be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar and the decision will be placed in the official academic record. Notification will be sent to the Office of Financial Aid.


A student must submit the request for a leave of absence and must receive the approval prior to beginning the leave of absence. The exception would be for unusual circumstances when it is impossible for the student to do so, i.e. if the student was in an accident or other experienced an unforeseen emergency/disaster.


A student will only be granted a leave of absence if it can be expected that she will return from the leave of absence on time. If it appears that the student may not return after the leave of absence, an approval will not be granted.


The maximum time for an approved leave of absence is 180 days.


A student on an approved leave of absence will not be considered withdrawn from the institution and no refund calculations will be made for Title IV financial aid received. A student who fails to return to school after an approved leave of absence will be considered withdrawn from the institution as of the date of the start of the leave of absence and refunds will be calculated accordingly.

Technology Acceptable Usage

WITS provides students, faculty, and staff with technological resources for the purposes of teaching, research, educational, and administrative support. Access to such resources, including computers, software, printers, email, and network access, is considered a privilege and the responsibility for proper and ethical use lies with individual users.


Upon accessing or using any WITS-owned technological resource, an individual agrees to comply with the following acceptable use guidelines:


      a. WITS-owned computers or personally-owned computers connected to the WITS network may not be used to violate others’ right to privacy. WITS specifically prohibits reading or attempting to read another person’s email, accessing another person’s files, accessing electronic records containing information concerning another person, using another person’s email account, and using another person’s password.


      b. Users of WITS-owned computers may not participate in technology-based unethical or illegal activities, including, but not limited to, the following:


      − Privacy violation;

      − Copyright violation;

      − Harassment or intimidation;

      − Fraud or misrepresentation;

      − Theft, including theft of data;

      − Creation, possession, distribution, or accessing of provocative or offensive material; and

      − Creation or dissemination of electronic content or communication that promotes hate, violence, or defames/demeans on the basis of age, disability, gender, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other basis protected by law.


      c. WITS-owned computers may not be used to store personal files, videos, music, software, documents, or photographs.


      d. Users may not interfere with or alter the integrity of WITS-owned equipment or software.


      e. Users must adhere to any WITS-acquired licensing agreements and avoid illegal duplication of any WITS-owned software.


      f. Users are expected to observe basic technology courtesies, including, but not limited to, refraining from excessive use of paper, refraining from using WITS-owned computers for personal monetary gain, and being considerate and fair in use of all resources.


      g. All WITS-assigned email accounts are the property of WITS. Email is intended to be used in a manner consistent with the standards of academic integrity and ethical business conduct. WITS reserves the right to assign, monitor, and revoke email privileges at any time.


The guidelines prescribed in this policy are not intended to be all-inclusive. Any behavior that is considered an unethical use of technological resources or deemed contrary to the institutional mission will be subject to disciplinary action and financial reimbursement of any damages. Any information or observations regarding the misuse of WITS-owned technological resources should be immediately reported to the Executive Dean/Menaheles.

Transfer of Credit

Courses taken at another higher education institution may be approved and accepted for transfer credit toward a degree or certification at WITS. Transfer credits are not included in the calculation of grade point average. However, credits accepted in transfer are counted toward the number of credits attempted and earned by a student.


WITS will accept up to 30 credits from Shana Alef (first year) seminary programs and up to 21 credits from Shana Bet (second year) seminary programs.


Official transcripts from each institution where college-level courses were taken must be submitted. Course descriptions and/or syllabi are also required. Courses earning a grade of “C” and higher are transferable. Courses taken over five years ago may expire and may not be applied to the degree, if the course content is out-of-date, as determined by the Academic Dean.


WITS accepts credit from the following:


− Regionally accredited institutions

− AIJS accredited institutions

− Courses taken at nationally accredited institutions on a case-by-case basis. WITS does not accept tests for credit from nationally accredited institutions

− Coursework approved by American Council on Education (ACE) on a case-by-case basis

− Coursework approved by National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) on a case-by-case basis. WITS does not accept tests for credit from NCCRS

− Foreign credit evaluations that have been evaluated by a service, such as WES, ECE, AACRO, SILNY

− Select post-secondary Jewish studies seminaries

− Credit by exam

       • Advanced Placement (AP) – Minimum score of 4 is required

       • College Level Examination Program (CLEP) – May earn up to 12 credits; May be combined with foreign language exams and/or Connecticut Credit Assessment Program (CCAP) credits for a cap of 30 credits; CLEP credit may not be accepted for courses in the major or minor; CLEP credit may not be granted for courses offered that semester

       • New York University (NYU) Foreign Language Exam

       • CompTIA certifications for credit


WITS pledges that the institution does not provide false, erroneous, or misleading statements concerning the institution or nature of programs and services, including: types of courses offered; nature and extent of accreditation; transfer credit policy; whether successful completion of a course qualifies a student for acceptance into a labor union or to receive a local, state, or federal license, or a nongovernmental certification required as a prerequisite for employment, or to perform certain functions in the conditions that the institution recognizes are generally necessary to secure employment in a recognized occupation for which the program is represented to prepare students; requirements for completing a course of study or program; conditions that would constitute grounds for termination of student enrollment; whether courses are endorsed by governmental officials or others; size, location, facilities, or equipment of the facility; availability of courses; number, accessibility, and qualifications of the faculty or other personnel; nature of prerequisites for enrollment in any course; any facts related to the degree, diploma, or certification that a student may be awarded at the end of a course of study; and whether a degree that the institution provides is authorized by the appropriate state educational agency.


WITS assures that information regarding the nature of financial charges that is provided to students is correct. This includes information such as: offers of scholarships for courses; cost of a program; refund policy; availability and nature of any financial assistance offered; a student’s responsibility to repay any loans; and a student’s right to reject any type of financial aid.


WITS further assures that all information regarding employability of graduates is true. This includes information about whether the institution is connected with any organization that is providing training leading directly to employment and whether employment is being offered by the institution.

Emergency Procedures, Safety and Security

In the event of a fire or other emergency, the fire alarm will sound throughout the building. If this alarm sounds or there is a verbal warning, all individuals must evacuate the building immediately and observe the following procedures:


− Walk steadily. Do not run.

− Leave the building as directed or as designated in the emergency exit plan that is posted around the building.

− Close all doors as rooms are evacuated.

− Report to the designated evacuation areas.

− Remain in the designated evacuation areas until there is an all-clear signal or report.


Testing of the alarm system and practice drills are periodically performed to assure compliance with safety regulations.


All emergency contact information is as follows:


In a medical emergency:

− Call Hatzalah at 410-358-0000 or call 911

− Notify the WITS main office in person or call 410-358-3144


If someone is the victim of a crime or abuse:

− Call 911

− Call the Executive Dean/Menaheles and/or Chana helpline at 410-234-0023


If someone sees something suspicious or criminal on campus:

− Call 911

− Call Shomrim at 410-358-9999

− Notify the WITS main office in person or call 410-358-3144

If someone is in need of counseling:

− Contact the Executive Dean/Menaheles who will provide referrals to licensed counselors or email for confidential referrals


If the WITS main office is closed or in cases of all other emergencies:

− Call Rebbetzin Rosenbaum at 443-955-1463

− Call Dr. Klein at 347-262-8000

− Call Mrs. Glazer at 443-844-7709

− Call Mrs. Esti Taragin at 410-258-9928

Notice of Non-Discrimination - Title IX

WITS does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, as required by Title IX including in employment.

Inquiries about the application of Title IX may be referred to WITS’s Title IX Coordinator, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, or both.

WITS’s Title IX Coordinator
Name: Dr. Katherine Endy
Office Address: 6602 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21215
Email Address:
Telephone Number: 410-358-3144 ext. 35

Office for Civil Rights
Phone: 800-421-3481
TDD: 800-877-8339
FAX: 202-453-6012

WITS’s Title IX Non-Discrimination Policy and Grievance Procedures can be viewed here.

To report information about conduct that may constitute sex discrimination under Title IX or to make a complaint of sex discrimination, you may contact WITS’s Title IX coordinator or the OCR, using the contact information listed above.

Title IX
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