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Refund and Withdrawal Policy


Notification of Withdrawal


Any student who must withdraw from school during the academic year should inform the Registrar in writing. The Request to Withdraw Form is available on the institutional website. The official date of withdrawal is the date that the student indicates on the Request to Withdraw Form, or the date she notifies the registrar, whichever is earlier.


Unofficial Withdrawal


Over the course of the semester, an enrollment confirmation roster is completed by faculty to indicate that all registered students have been in attendance for 60% of the semester. A student who is not in attendance at that 60% point is determined to have withdrawn as of the midpoint of the semester.


A careful inquiry will be made for any student who fails to complete all coursework for a semester and receives all non-passing grades to determine if she withdrew from all classes or if she earned any of the failed grades.


Return to Title IV (R2T4)


For all students who withdraw during the semester, including unofficial withdrawals, the institution performs an R2T4 calculation using the Return to Title IV software provided by the US Department of Education.


The withdrawal date used to calculate the Title IV refund will be determined as follows: for a student who gives official notice, the date of withdrawal is the date that the student indicates in her Request to Withdraw Form or the date she notifies the registrar, whichever is earlier.


Generally, if a student officially withdraws before 60% of the semester has passed, the student will be able to retain a pro-rated portion of the awarded financial aid. If a student withdraws after 60% of the semester has passed, the student will be able to retain all the awarded financial aid. The institution will perform Return to Title IV calculations for all students who withdraw, even for those who withdraw after the 60% point, to determine if they qualify for post-withdrawal disbursements.


If the R2T4 calculation results in a refund to Title IV programs, funds will be returned in the following order:


  1. Unsubsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loans

  2. Subsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loans

  3. Federal Perkins Loans

  4. Federal Direct PLUS received on behalf of the student


Any funds that need to be returned to a lender will be returned by the institution on the student's behalf.


If unearned funds remain to be returned after repayment of outstanding loan amounts, the remaining excess will be returned in the following order:


  1. Federal Pell Grants

  2. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)


Refunds and returns of Title IV funds will be made within 45 days of the date of determination that a student has withdrawn. The withdrawing student may be responsible for paying any institutional charges previously paid with FSA funds.


Returning Unearned Aid


Within 30 days of determining that a student who withdrew must repay all or part of a Title IV grant, the school will notify the student that she must repay the overpayment or make satisfactory arrangements to repay it. The student may sign a repayment agreement with the school or with the US Department of Education or pay the overpayment to the school. If a student fails to pay or sign a repayment agreement with the school or with the US Department of Education, the school will report the overpayment to National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and refer it to the Default Resolution Group for collection.


Post Withdrawal Disbursements


Students who withdraw in the middle of the semester will have an R2T4 calculation performed to determine if they earned more funds than funds that had already been disbursed at the time of withdrawal. If a student earned more funds than funds disbursed at the time of withdrawal, she qualifies for a post withdrawal disbursement and may be offered those funds.


A post withdrawal disbursement of Title IV funds may be credited to a student’s account for current allowable charges such as tuition, fees, room and board, up to the outstanding amount of these charges. The school will obtain a student’s authorization to credit a student’s account with Title IV grant funds for charges other than the current year charges.


Any amount of the post withdrawal disbursement that is in excess of the balance of allowable charges will be disbursed to the student as soon as possible, but no later than forty-five days after the date of determination of withdrawal.


Credit Balance Procedures


If the R2T4 calculation results in a Title IV credit balance on the student’s account, the amount of the credit will be disbursed to the student within fourteen days of the date of the R2T4 calculation.


Tuition Refund and Adjustment Schedule


Refunding of tuition and adjustments are conducted in accordance with the schedule printed in the most current Academic Catalog.


Pell Recalculation Policy


WITS has set the Pell Recalculation Date to be two weeks after the semester begins (refer to Academic Calendar for specific dates for each semester). If a student adds or drops courses before the Pell Recalculation Date and there was an initial calculation of the student's Pell Grant based on the student's enrollment status at the start of the semester, the Pell Grant will be recalculated based on the student's enrollment status as of the Pell Recalculation Date.

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