Malka (Dubin) Kohen ’15 - Baltimore, MD
Clinical Mental Health Counselor
Malka brings light to our community in so many ways. She is particularly focused on helping children and young adults. After graduating WITS/Maalot, Malka received two master’s degrees from the
Johns Hopkins University, one in Education and one in Counseling. She has used these degrees to help so many young community members. First, as a teacher at Bais Yaakov, and as a Clinical Mental Health Counselor specializing in teens and adults with anxiety spectrum and mood disorders. In addition, Malka is doing research at University of Maryland related to the development and treatment of psychotic disorders. Malka has also done significant leadership training through the Orthodox Community Engagement program and has begun to lend these skills to various community organizations. Further, Malka volunteers at her children's schools and helps organize events for her shul. A hostess and chef extraordinaire, she frequently hosts boys from YMC at her Shabbos table. She brings all this light to so many, while raising a beautiful Torah family.
“WITS/Maalot provided a structured and efficient way for me to complete my bachelor’s degree. I received a well-rounded education, both in kodesh and secular studies. It was great to be able to learn in a frum environment and maintain friendships as well as create new ones. WITS/Maalot gave me a solid foundation to pursue my career goals.”