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Malka Rena (Spetner) Heinemann ‘12 - Baltimore, MD

Kodesh Teacher

Malka Rena is one of the most sought-after teachers in Baltimore! She is loved by all her students and the lessons she teaches last a lifetime. Malka Rena is currently teaching Historia, Megilla, and Chumash to 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th graders at Bnos Yisroel. She utilizes a differentiated approach in her Chumash class, offering her students multiple levels of understanding so each girl can grasp the content and thrive. Malka Rena is passionate about every girl feeling like she can access Torah learning and be a part of it’s beauty. As a teacher, Malka Rena is everything we could ever want for our children. She teaches so she can make a difference. She strives to reach every student, to inspire and give them a geshmak from their learning. She gives over Toras Chaim, real life, in a way that's relatable and alive.

Aside from her teaching, Malka Rena is also actively involved in numerous community organizations, running chagigos for schools, sharing Divrei Torah for BG-Cubed and Elite, as well as volunteering at WITS/Maalot. Malka Rena also runs “Dance It with Malka Rena”, leading dance parties for middle and high school girls, providing them with a fun and kosher way to let out their energy and connect.

"WITS/Maalot was an amazing bridge between high school/seminary and real life. It gave me people to look up to and tools for my future and I have so much hakaras hatov for that, thank you!"

Malka Rena (Spetner) Heinemann ‘12 - Baltimore, MD
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Women's Institute of Torah Seminary & College

6602 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21215

​Tel: 410-358-3144

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© Copyright 2023  |  WITS is a candidate institution and a member of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, accredited by the Association of Institutions of Jewish Studies, and approved by the Maryland Higher Education Commission as a degree granting institution of higher learning.

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