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Pessi Rappaport ‘21

Software Engineer and Teacher
Baltimore, MD

Pessi, a software engineer at MITRE, earned her BA in Computer Science at WITS. Serving as an inspiration and role model for frum girls navigating secular work environments, she mentors students and alumnae in resume writing, interviewing, finding internships, and more. Recognizing the challenges of transitioning from the secure WITS environment to the professional world, Pessi aims to ensure no one feels alone in their professional journey, offering support and guidance whenever she can. She has also volunteered for WITS’ Career Mentorship Program. Facilitating a meeting with students and a MITRE representative, Pessi has helped numerous WITS graduates find their first jobs in the field.

Additionally, Pessi teaches 11th-grade English, leveraging her skills and personality to motivate students, instilling the belief that the sky's the limit. Beyond the classroom, her creative side shines as she organizes and coordinates Bais Yaakov GO activities.

Reflecting on her journey, Pessi acknowledges the incredible role models at WITS, including Mrs. Schwartz, Mrs. Horowitz, and Rebbetzin Rosenbaum. Grateful for their belief in her abilities, she imparts the message of pursuing excellence and realizing one's potential to her students, carrying forward the legacy of encouragement she received.

Pessi Rappaport ‘21
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