Emergency Procedures, Safety and Security
Class Dismissal and Cancellation
In cases of inclement weather or other circumstances where safety could potentially be compromised, classes at WITS may be dismissed, cancelled or delayed. Students will be notified through e-mail, text message and/or telephone. If there are severe weather conditions outdoors, everyone should remain inside the building. Students, faculty and staff will receive instructions.
Medical Emergencies
In the event of a medical emergency, such as severe bleeding, difficulty breathing, chest pains or other injuries, either Hatzalah at 410-358-0000 or 911 will be called immediately. Following the call to Hatzalah or 911, the student’s family or local emergency contact should be called. A designated person will remain with the student in distress until help arrives.
Fire or other Emergencies
In the event of a fire or other emergency in the building, the fire alarm will sound throughout the building. If this alarm sounds or there is a verbal warning, students, faculty and staff must evacuate the building immediately and observe the following procedures:
Walk steadily; do not run
Leave the building as directed or as designated in the emergency exit plan that is posted around the building
Close all doors as rooms are evacuated
Report to designated evacuation areas
Remain in designated evacuation areas until there is an all-clear signal or report.
Testing of the systems and practice drills are performed to assure compliance to safety regulations.
Safety of Campus Facilities
Safety is everyone's responsibility. The facilities and grounds are protected and receive constant attention. Any student or faculty member who sees a potential safety hazard should report the matter immediately to the Office of Administrative Affairs, as the common safety message instructs “See something? Say something."
Campus Security and Crime Prevention
WITS is concerned with the safety and security of its students and staff at all times, both on campus and off campus. Surveillance cameras have been installed on campus, and the Northwest Citizens Patrol (NWCP) is on patrol at late hour dismissal times.
Campus Crime Reporting Procedures: Immediately after witnessing a crime, a student or employee must notify the nearest police station. In the event of any danger or risk, such as a bomb threat, suspected criminal or suspicious character on premises, etc., any witness should discreetly and cautiously notify the senior administrative staff member on campus. This will prompt immediate notification to all students and employees as to precautions to take while avoiding panic. All crimes should be brought to the attention of the Menaheles, who serves as the liaison with the local police in coordinating information and keeping students informed. Relevant crime information will be publicly announced to the student body within 24 hours of a crime.
Policies on Access to Facilities: Access is restricted.to approved students and employees, as well as authorized visitors. Entry to WITS is securely locked at all times.
Current Campus Law Enforcement Policies: The institution maintains no security department of its own. Students must always be mindful of their responsibility for the welfare of themselves as well as their peers. Any student or employee who is witness to a dangerous or suspect situation is expected to immediately communicate with a law enforcement agency.
Availability of On- and Off-Campus Counseling and Mental Health Services for Crime Victims: Counseling is available on campus and is provided by trained faculty and administration members. In addition, therapists are available for counseling students at Maryland Counseling Network, 17 Warren Rd, Suite 25B, Baltimore, MD 21208, 410-764-2029. Students may be referred to other therapists as well.
Policies for Preparing the Annual Disclosure of Crime Statistics: The institution annually discloses crime statistics to students, employees, the Federal Government and the State of Maryland.
Programs to Educate Students and Employees about Campus Security Procedures: Students are expected to review all the security materials carefully and to strictly adhere to all policies.
Programs to Educate Students and Employees about Crime Prevention: Students are expected to observe rudimentary safety precautions, such as traveling in groups after dark and in high crime areas.
Statistics for Most Recent Calendar Year (and last two as available), of Crimes Reported to Police: There have been no documented cases of criminal offenses.
Policy Regarding Police Monitoring of Crime at Recognized Off-Campus Organizations: There are no authorized off-campus organizations.
Substance Abuse Policy: See Drug and Alcohol Abuse policy.
Statistics on Liquor, Drug and Weapons Abuses: There have been no documented offenses related to liquor, illegal drugs or weapons.
Contact information:
Rebbetzin Ettie Rosenbaum, Menaheles/Executive Dean
410-358-3144, ebrosenbaum@wits.edu
Dr. Leslie Klein, Academic Dean,
410-358-3144, lklein@wits.edu
Mrs. Esti Taragin, Ombudsman
410-258-9928, ombudsman@wits.edu