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2022 End of Year Banquet

Each year WITS holds an end-of-the year banquet to celebrate our graduates and to honor the recipients of the Lola Singer Award. At this year's banquet we enjoyed a magnificent dinner along with divrei chizuk from Rabbi Hauptman, Rebbetzin Rosenbaum and Dr. Klein, as well as farewell speeches from students Temima Goldman, Alana Pitterman, Tehilah Kibel and Ahuva Weg. Attendees were surprised with a moving goodbye song composed and performed by students (see lyrics HERE) as well as an entertaining year-in-review slideshow.

Mazel Tov to our Lola Singer Memorial Scholarship awardees Devorah (Schapiro) Blau, Tilla Rikki Balzam and Rivkah Alyeshmerni.

We want to wish a special Tzeischem L'Shalomto Mrs. Mimi Biegacz, Director of Academic Advisement, who will be retiring at the end of the summer. Mrs. Biegacz has advised hundreds of students over the last 21 1/2 years, holding their hands through the entire BA program and giving her neshama to each and every one of them. WITS will truly miss her.


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