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End of the Year Banquet

It was an evening of celebration as WITS held its annual End-of-the-Year Banquet at the Royal Restaurant. The student body and staff gathered for an evening of reflection, recognition, food, and friendship. Words of chizuk were shared by Rebbetzin Rosenbaum, Dr. Klein and Rabbi Rose. Graduates Sorah Shachter, Aliza Klein and Esther Menucha Buchwalter delivered eloquent and moving speeches to their fellow classmates. Reflecting back at her time at WITS, Sorah stated, “Endings are one of the hardest parts of life. Unfortunately the world is big and confusing. There is no manual, even for those who would have patience to read it. But we were given a key tool. WITS has instilled in us a sense of purpose and the ever-lasting legacy of our teachers and mechanchos will carry us through our future."

Mazel Tov to The Lola Singer Memorial Award Winners: Avigail Afrah, Hindy Mauer and Miri Rosenbaum! This annual award is in memory of Lola Singer ע״ה, mother of WITS' Dean Emerita, Mrs. Judy Gross. The recipients were chosen for their academic excellence and hard work, Mazel Tov!


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